​​שם המרצה: מיכאל גלעד com.gmail@gilead.Michael 

שעות הלימוד: יום ג', 00:16-00:14 

שעת קבלה: בתיאום עם מרצה הקורס במייל 

מטרות הקורס:

The primary goals of this course are (1) to familiarize students with classic themes and current issues in social psychology, and (2) to critically discuss theoretical and empirical questions. . 

מבנה הקורס

The required reading for each class in marked in bold letters in the syllabus below. All students are asked to write a one page (400 words max) critical reaction paper before each class and send it to Michael before class. These papers will serve as the basis for a class discussion. The critical reaction paper can include criticism of the paper (e.g., its methodology, interpretation of the findings, theoretical assumptions), a discussion of why you like the paper and find it to be important, a development of its ideas (what is missing and how can the theory be extended), specific questions or specific experiments that the paper inspired you to think of, discussion of the importance of the paper in light of future work (i.e., examine who cited the paper and how it was received), discussion of the historical antecedents of the paper, and so forth.