
מרצה: פרופ' ערן בר-כליפה eranbk@bgu.ac.il​​

תואר ראשון - קורס חובה שנה ג'.  


Course Overview

Personality psychology focuses on (a) the development of personality, (b) the effects of personality on important outcomes, and (c) attempts to engender beneficial changes to maladjusted personality characteristics. The goal of this course is to introduce students to personality psychology in general, and to psychodynamic and humanistic theories of personality in particular. The course begins with a basic introduction of personality psychology. It then goes on to review classical (e.g., Freud, Klein) and modern (e.g., Fonagy, Blatt) psychodynamic perspectives on personality. It concludes by reviewing classic (e.g., Rogers, Maslow) and modern (e.g., Self-Determination-Theory) humanistic perspectives on personality.  In each of the perspectives reviewed, we will focus on questions such as: What is personality? How do individuals differ? What are the determinants of personality development? How can personality be empirically studied?

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe and differentiate among the major psychodynamic approaches to personality.

  2. Describe and differentiate among the major humanistic approaches to personality.

  3. Define and apply key personality concepts and terms. 


** מידע מפורט על הקורס תמצאו בסילבוס המלא של הקורס, בעמוד סילבוסים תואר ראשון​.