$$News and Reports$$

05 מרץ 2020

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6th Jeffrey Cook Workshop in Desert Architecture

ZeroPlus Energy Settlements

Dept. of Structural Engineering | Desert Architecture & Urban Planning Unit

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Marcus Family Campus, Beer-Sheva, Israel

November 25-26, 2019

Program and presentations:​

​​​Day 1 – Nov.25, 2019

09:00-09:30         Welcome and opening remarks

09:30-11:30           Session 1: ZeroPlus Energy Settlements

Margarita-Niki Asimakopoulos, NKUA, Greece: Zero+: Transition from nZE Buildings to nZE Settlements using advanced energy technology

Shabtai Isaac, BGU, Israel: Construction management, cost management and implementation of the innovative technologies

Denia Kolokotsa, TUC, Greece: Design and implementation of a Web-GIS monitoring platform for zero energy settlements and districts

Rajat Gupta, OBU, UK: Simulations and calibrations

12:00-12:45           Session 2: Cook Prize Award Ceremony. Lecture by Prize recipient Arch. Arie Rahamimoff

14:30-16:30           Session 3: ZeroPlus Case Studies

Gloria Pignata, CONTEDIL, Italy & UNSW, Australia: ZP Italian case study - Granarolo dell'Emilia

Rajat  Gupta, OBU, UK: ZP UK case study - Derwenthorpe, York

Marina Kyprianou Drakou, CYI, Cyprus: Study of a Zero Energy Settlement in Cyprus - Original and Contingency plans

Elise Machline, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research, Luxemburg: Social mix policies in the French Eco-districts: Discourses, policies and social effects

Day 2 – Nov.26, 2019

09:00-11:00          Session 4: ZeroEnergy – The Broder Picture

David Pearmutter & Erez Gal, BGU, Israel: Near Zero Energy Settlements in Europe: An overview

Polina Gluzman, IDF, Israel: Zero Energy training bases

Peter op' Veld, Huygen Engineers and Consultants, the Netherlands: DRIVE 0: How can circular renovations drive the decarbonization of the building stock?

Ana Tisov, MOBISTYLE Coordinator, Huygen Engineers and Consultants, the Netherlands: MOBISTYLE: Instead of the buildings, let's shape the Citizens of Tomorrow!

11:30-13:00           Session 5: Assessment Tools and Implementation

Fabio Montagnino, ARCA, Italy: Innovative technologies towards Zero Energy settlements: the Zero Plus experience

Andreas Athienitis, Concordia U, Canada: Modelling, design and operation of Net-zero Energy Buildings and lessons learned

Theodoros Theodosiou, AUTH, Greece: Near Zero Energy Buildings: Myths, reality and prospects

14:00-15:30          Session 6: Optimization, Monitoring, POE

Slava Shubin, Shabtai Isaac, Gad Rabinowitz,​ BGU, Israel: Cost management and optimization - The ZeroPlus case

Margarita-Niki Asimakopoulos, NKUA, Greece: Increasing the quality and the value of existing buildings. Architectural, seismic and energy integrated solutions

Keren Schvetz, ILGBC, Israel: Neighborhood 360° - An assessment tools for green neighborhoods​​
