Articles in scientific journals
Levy, D., Benbenishty, R., & Refaeli, T. (2012). Life satisfaction and positive perceptions of the future among youth at-risk participating in Civic-National Service in Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 2012-2017
Refaeli, T., Benbenishty, R., & Eliel-Gev, M. (2013). Youth aging out of residential care in Israel: Readiness for independent living and need for help. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(9), 1601-1607
Refaeli, T. & Strahl, B. (2014). Turning point processes to higher education among care leavers. Social Work & Society, 12(1)
Melkman, E., Refaeli, T., Bibi, B., & Benbenishty, R. (2016). Readiness for independent living among youth on the verge of leaving juvenile correctional facilities. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(10)
Refaeli, T., Levy, D., Ben-Porat, A., Dekel, R. , & Itzhaky, H.(2016). Personal and environmental predictors of depression among victims of intimate partner violence: Comparison of immigrant and Israeli-born women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Refaeli, T. , Mangold, M. , Köngeter, S., & Zeira, A. (2016). Continuity and discontinuity in the transition from care to adulthood. British Journal of Social Work, 47(2), 325-342
Melkman, E. , Refaeli, T. , & Benbenishty, R. (2016). An empirical test of a model of academic expectations among youth in residential care. Children and Youth Services Review, 67, 133-141
Refaeli, T. (2017). Narratives of care leavers: What promotes resilience in transitions to independent lives? Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 1-9
Refaeli, T. , Levy, D. , & Benbenishty, R. (2018). Self-esteem, life satisfaction, and positive future perception among at-risk and comparison group participants in National Civic Service. Journal of Social Service Research, 44(3), 425-435
López, V., Benbenishty, R., Astor, R. A., Bilbao, M., Ascorra, P., Carrasco, C., Refaeli, T. , & Roziner, I. (2018). Cross-cultural patterns of student victimization in Israel and Chile. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(3), 780-792
Zeira, A., Tuval- Mashiach, R., Meir, G., Levy, D., Refaeli, T. , & Benbenishty, R.PI (2018). Alumni of National Civic Service: Comparing the experience of at-risk and mainstream volunteers. International Social Work
Refaeli, T., Benbenishty, R., & Zeira, A. (2019). Predictors of life satisfaction among care leavers: A mixed-method longitudinal study. Children & Youth Services Review, 99, 146-155
Refaeli, T. , Eyal-Lubling, R., & Komem, M.(2019). Predicting high-risk situations among marginalized young women navigating towards adulthood: Protective and accelerating factors. Women’s Studies International Forum, 77
Zeira, A., Refaeli, T. , & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Aspirations toward higher education: A longitudinal study among alumni of public care in Israel. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(8), 1035-1052
Tuval- Mashiach, R., Levy, D., Refaeli, T. , Polak-Verdiger, N., Zeira, A., & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Between being unique and being like everyone else: The development of sense of agency in young women at risk. Children & Youth Services Review, 107
Refaeli, T. (2020). Needs and availability of support among care-leavers: A mixed-methods study. Child and Family Social Work, 25(2), 412-420
Ben-Porat, A., Gottlieb, S., Refaeli, T., Shemesh, S., & Reuven-Even-Zahav, R. (2020). Vicarious growth among social work students: What makes the difference? Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(2),662-669
Ben-Porat, A., Shemesh, S. , Reuven-Even-Zahav, R. , Gottlieb, S . & Refaeli, T. (Accepted). Secondary traumatic stress among social work students – The contribution of personal, professional, and environmental factors. British Journal of Social Work
Refaeli, T. & Achdut, N. (Accepted). Perceived-poverty and loneliness in young adults: Are social capital and neighborhood capital resilience factors? Health & Social Care in the Community
Reuven-Even-Zahav, R. , Refaeli, T. , Shemesh, S. , Gottlieb, S. , & Ben-Porat, A . (Accepted). Supervision satisfaction among social work students in Israel: Supervision components, peer-support, and trauma-related factors. Research on Social Work Practice
Harder, A.T., Mann-Feder, V., Oterholm, I. & Refaeli, T. (Accepted). Research-based principles for transition into adulthood Children and Youth Services Review (Sorted by A-B)
Scientific reports
Benbenishty, R., Levy, D., & Refaeli, T. (2011). Assessment of national service for young people at risk from the perspective of the youth. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)
Zeira, A., Benbenishty, R., & Refaeli, T. (2012). Vulnerable youth in transition to adulthood: Needs, services and policies. Jerusalem: Hebrew University (Hebrew)
Benbenishty, R., Zeira, A., Melkman, E., & Refaeli, T. (2014). School climate, expectations, educational plans and needs of adolescents in Israeli youth villages. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)
Benbenishty, R., Zeira, A., Melkman, E., & Refaeli, T. (2014). School climate, expectations, educational plans and needs of adolescents in juvenile correctional facilities. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)
Zeira, A., Benbenishty, R., Tuval-Mashiach, Levy, D., Refaeli, T., & Polak-Verdiger, N. (2014). Civic-national service for young people at risk: The Participants' point of view. Jerusalem: Hebrew University (Hebrew)
Itzhaki, H., Dekel, R., Ben-Port, A., Refaeli, T., & Liberman, G. (2014). Follow-up study among immigrant female victims of domestic violence from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union: Upon entrance to the shelter and before leaving. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)
Refaeli, T. (2016). Out-of-home placement and interventions for children at various levels of risk: A Literature review. Jerusalem: Ashalim and the Ministry of Welfare (Hebrew)
Refaeli, T. & Hermetz, S. (2018). Child development accounts in Israel. Beer-Sheva: Ben Gurion University (Hebrew)
Komem, M., Refaeli, T., Eyal-Lubling, R., & Hermetz, S. (2019). The young women index: Insights into the life situations of young women who participated in the Rotem Center programs from 2008 to 2017. Sderot: Sapir Academic Center (Hebrew)