
28 דצמ' 2022

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 8220 3094
Passcode: 013013

חדר 348, בניין 72

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 833 8220 3094

Passcode: 013013

מוזמנות ומוזמנים

לסמינר המחלקתי

בסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה

עם ד״ר אדם הייז  מהמחלקה לסוציולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית,

כותרת ההרצאה:

A Feel for the Game: Economic Sociology meets Behavioral Economics


Abstract: Over the past few decades, behavioral economics has become ​an important field of research and for policymaking. By poking holes in the mainstream economics assumptions of individual rationality, it has improved our understanding of economic behavior and decision-making. However, behavioral economics remains deeply-rooted in cognitive psychology, and does not account for the social world or understand human beings as socialized actors. At the same time, sociology shies away from studying individual action, with economic sociologists focusing instead in groups or interactions. I seek to close these gaps and leverage sociological theory and methods with an intervention into behavioral economics. This talk, which draws on a larger book project and research agenda, will identify several ways that this intervention can take place, along with future directions.


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