
03 מאי 2023

חדר 348, בניין 72

​סמינר מחלקתי

Dmitry Uzlaner

University of Innsbruck & BGU

Anna Temkina

European University at St.Petersburg & BGU​

Russian Conservative Turn and the Global Culture Wars


Dmitry Uzlaner

The presentation will be devoted to the topic of culture wars and to social conservatism as one of the sides in these wars. First, I will explain what are these conflicts over values about and what is social conservative position in the context of these conflicts. Second, I will give a brief overview of the story of these conflicts and how they went global in the end of the 20th century. Third, I will situate Russia in the context of these globalized culture wars - I will show how Russian conservative actors first learned the logic and the language of the culture wars and then turned into global participants in these wars. Manifestations of Russian social conservatism will be analyzed both in the context of Russian foreign and domestic policy.

Anna ​Temkina

The focus of the presentation will be on “anti-gender" conservative turn globally and in Russia as part and parcel of it, though pretending to be vanguard and missionary to save Humanity. I will show how anti-gender politics in Russia is promoted by the State (in comparison to grass root movement globally) and how it concentrates on LGBT's issues legally and in repressive practices.  I will argue that LGBT blaming constructs the boundary between “spiritual hegemony" of Russian culture in relation to “degraded West" and this anti-gender politics (towards gender and sexuality) was intensified after the invasion of Ukraine.


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