
10 מאי 2017

חדר 300

11:15-12:30, חדר 300

קבוצת המחקר שיווק בפקולטה לניהול ע"ש גילפורד גלייזר
מזמינה אתכם
לסמינר  פקולטי עם המרצה:

Prof. T. Bettina Cornwell

 University of Oregon

Marketing Via Sports, Arts and Events:


Perspectives on External and Internal Audiences for Sponsorship​


10:00-11:00, בנין 14, חדר 103

מרכז המחקר במימון בפקולטה לניהול ע"ש גילפורד גלייזר
מזמין אתכם לסמינר
עם המרצה:

Ramy Elitzur

Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto


Moneyball: Perception versus Reality and Adaptive Market Efficiency


Moneyball (2003) exposes readers to the use of advanced analytics, or Sabermetrics, in baseball and how it improves the ‘bang for the buck’ in player selection, and game management. This study first examines whether experts’ perceptions on “Moneyball” teams coincide with reality, and demonstrates that, consistent with the false consensus effect, they do not. Next, the study employs Sabermetric measures to determine which MLB teams in reality play “Moneyball”, showing that reality and perceptions are different in this context. The study contributes to the literature on adaptive market efficiency by testing whether the use of Sabermetrics has indeed provided an advantage to “Moneyball” teams and executives and, moreover, whether the outing of these tools has eliminated such anomalies due to the entrance of a new species better suited to deal with the environment (Sabermetric executives), whose appearance drives out the existing non-Sabermetric executive species, whose decision making process is maladaptive.​​