Iron Swords War Visa Renewal
Updated as of January 8th, 2024
Dear International Students, Research Fellows, and Staff,
If you are currently outside of Israel and need to extend your visa, add multiple entries or obtain a new visa. You must contact the Israeli embassy abroad as you did when you first applied for an Israeli visa. Please note that if the automated extension is applied in your case, this does not include the multiple entry visa and you will need to follow the renewal procedure stated above.
For those who are currently in Israel with a student (A2) or spouse (A4) visa, which expired or is about to expire until January 2024. Your visa was extended automatically until February 8th, 2024. This extension does not include the multiple entry visa.
Currently, the visa section of the Ministry of Interior branch in Beer Sheva is closed.
The list of open Ministry of the Interior branches is updated from time to time on the website of the Population and Immigration Authority:
Update concerning B1 visa Holders – the automatic extension the Ministry of Interior had issued previously, expired on 09.11.2023.
To extend your employment permit and your B1 work visa, please follow the regular procedure.
Visa Assistance
Here at BGU International, we are happy to provide you with the necessary assistance to help you obtain the relevant visa for your stay in Israel. Please understand that it is your sole responsibility to make sure the visa is valid throughout your stay at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
The law in Israel requires that your visa reflects the purpose of your stay in Israel. Upon entering Israel, your passport needs to be valid for at least another six months past your issued visa expiration date.
Please note: foreigners who enter Israel with a tourist visa will not be allowed to change the type of their visa, and will be forced to leave Israel, return to their home country, and re-enter with the proper visa.
Click here for important updates from the Israeli Ministry of Health concerning Covid-19 Regulations:
As a first-time applicant for a visa:
In order to enter and stay in Israel, you must obtain an appropriate and up-to-date visa that is in correlation with the purpose of your stay. Please make sure to follow the following steps:
1. Please contact the visa coordinator at BGU in order to get assistance with your visa application.
The Welcome Center at the Beer-Sheva campus:
Visa Coordinator for the Sde-Boker campus:
2. Obtain a local health insurance policy (also possible through the Welcome Center). This is mandatory.
3. Obtain an acceptance/explanation letter from BGU.
4. Visit the closest Israeli representative in your country with the acceptance letter and other documents requested by the representative, in order to stamp your passport with the relevant visa. You will need to bring with you:
- - Download and complete the visa application from their website.
- - Your valid passport
- - A passport photo
After having obtained the visa:
Send a scanned copy of your health insurance policy, acceptance letter, and visa to your Visa Coordinator.
When you arrive at BGU, please bring a copy of your entrance permit, received at passport control, to the Welcome Center. Please note that all foreign citizens must carry a valid copy of their visa and passport at all times.
Visa Extension:
In order to extend your visa in Israel, you must submit all the relevant documents to the Welcome Center visa coordinator. For more information about the required documents, please find the relevant visa categories for you from the list elaborated below.
Please take into account that the visa application process takes time. Be sure to apply for your visa extension one month before it expires.
International student/researcher: In order to ensure that you receive all your rights, if you have a permanent residence permit please submit this permit to Ms. Zohar Keren, Student Accounts Division, email:
Visa Types:
Valid for one academic year. Can be extended for the period of a student's studies up to one additional academic year. This visa is granted as per the request of the institution.
Please note:
Any student who wants to study in Israel must obtain A-2 visa (Student visa) from the Israeli embassy/ consulate in the country of his residence.
Any student who will enter Israel with a B-2 visa (tourist visa) will not be allowed to change his visa to a student visa in Israel and will be forced to exit Israel, return to his home country and obtain the student visa.
This visa also serves children of B1 visa holders.
Holders of A-2 Visa are NOT allowed to work in Israel!
How to Extend an A- 2 Visa:
As of August 1, 2017, students and/or researchers who need to extend their visa associated with BGU, will be kindly requested to do so by themselves. The following are the stages of the process:
1. Complete the forms of the Ministry of Interior and BGU's internal form
2. Validation of forms at the Department of International Academic Affairs
3. Set an appointment with the Ministry of Interior (website) (For the English version, click on the globe in the top left corner)
4. Go to the Office of the Ministry of the Interior to extend your visa according to your appointment.
5. Supply a copy of the visa to your contact at the Welcome Center.
The following are needed:
- A written attestation from your inviting academic staff member describing the scope of your studies and the exact length of your stay. Internal form to be filled in by your inviting academic staff member.)
- A recent photograph (passport size).
- A health insurance policy that is valid up to the end of the requested period.
- Payment of 195 NIS. Note: fees may change without notice. (The payment is made directly at the Ministry of Interior)
- A valid passport.
- Fill in the appropriate official form for your visa.
Granted only to children and spouses of students (A-2 visa holders).
For a child's visa: the child's birth certificate must be presented.
For the spouse's visa: the Certificate of Marriage must be presented.
Only original documents can be presented (or faithful to the original) together with one photocopy of the original.
Holders of A-4 Visa are NOT allowed to work in Israel!
How to Extend an A- 4 Visa
As of August 1, 2017, students and/or researchers who need to extend their visa associated with BGU, will be kindly requested to do so by themselves. The following are the stages of the process:
- Complete the forms of the Ministry of Interior and BGU's internal form (link)
- Validation of forms at the Department of International Academic Affairs
- Set an appointment with the Ministry of Interior (website) (For an English version, click on the globe on top left corner)
- Go to the Office of the Ministry of the Interior to extend your visa according to your appointment.
- Supply a copy of the visa to the Welcome Center.
A written attestation from your relative's inviting academic staff member, attesting the exact length of your stay. Internal form to be filled-in in by your relative's inviting academic staff member.)
- Fill in the external official form for your visa.
- A copy of your spouse's A-2 visa.
- A copy of your Certificate of Marriage.
- A recent photograph (passport size).
- A health insurance policy that is valid up to the end of the requested period.
- Payment of 195 NIS. Note: fees may change without notice.
- A valid passport.
- For children traveling with you, please also provide their birth certificate(s).
Internal form to be filled in by your academic tutor/host
External form to be filled in by the guest
Issued to persons possessing a signed contract with an Israeli employer. At BGU, this visa is requested for whom have been officially invited by the Rector of the University, the Dean of one of the Faculties, or the head of one of the research institutes. Valid for up to 12 months with the possibility to be extended up to 63 months. This kind of visa is to be arranged prior to your coming to Israel by your host.
The decision to grant a temporary permit rests with the Ministry of the Interior.
Please note that it takes several months for this visa to be authorized by Israeli authorities!
How to obtain or Extend a B-1 Visa:
A. If it is the first time you apply for a working visa at BGU, your inviting academic staff member should come to the Welcome Center with the following items (please notice that you must have a B- 1 visa BEFORE traveling to Israel):
- A letter (in Hebrew), from the Principal Investigator/Head of Department, explaining the necessity for the employment of the foreign citizen.
- The inviting academic staff member should fill-in the payment order in “e-Tafnit”. The payment order fee is for the 1,300 NIS (subject to change by the Ministry of Interior) to the “Heterim Unit” at the Ministry of Interior. This payment order should be “in cash”. Please add in the remarks: “Payment by Credit Card”.
- Personal C.V. of the Foreign Citizen
- A photocopy of the Foreign Citizen’s passport that inquiries to be visa issued.
- A statement from the in which he/she declares that he knows and assumes that he/ she must leave Israel at the end of the approved period of visa, together with his/ her family members.
- A copy of a health insurance policy that covers the foreign citizen for the time of staying in Israel.
According to Israeli Law, holders of B1 Visa have to purchase a specific Health Insurance Policy, please contact the Welcome Center for further instructions.
Submission of all the above documents is to the Welcome Center by the inviting academic staff member or by the inviting department.
The following steps are performed after obtaining a work permit:
1. A written attestation from your inviting academic staff member describing your occupation and the exact period of your work (Internal form).
2. An External official form (for a stay of one year and up) (filled-out by the foreign citizen and signed by the inviting academic staff member) for your B-1 visa. External form (for a stay of 45 days a year).
3. A copy of the two first pages of your valid passport.
4. A check (of BGU- to be issued by the e-Tafnit system) to the Ministry of Interior on a total of 185 NIS. (Note: fees may change without notice).
Your B-1 authorization will arrive to the Israeli representation in your country (Please be patient!).
Please note!
The first time you obtain your working visa before arriving in Israel. There is NO possibility to obtain the working visa while being in Israel. If you are here, you will HAVE to leave the country in order to obtain your visa.
B. If you are already working at BGU, come to the Welcome Center with the following items:
- A letter (in Hebrew), from the Principal Investigator/Head of Department, explaining the necessity for the employment of the foreign citizen.
- The inviting academic staff member should fill-in the payment order in “e-Tafnit”. The payment order fee is for the 1,300 NIS (subject to change by the Ministry of Interior) to the “Heterim Unit” at the Ministry of Interior. This payment order should be “in cash”. Please add in the remarks: “Payment by Credit Card”.
- Personal C.V. of the Foreign Citizen
- A photocopy of the Foreign Citizen’s passport that inquiries to be visa issued and your previous visa.
- A statement from the in which he/she declares that he/she knows and assumes that he/ she must leave Israel at the end of the approved period of visa, together with his/ her family members.
- A copy of a health insurance policy that covers the foreign citizen for the time of stay in Israel.
According to Israeli Law, holders of B1 Visa have to purchase a specific Health Insurance Policy, please contact the Welcome Center for further instructions.
Submission of all the above documents is to the Welcome Center by the inviting academic staff member or by the inviting department.
The following steps are performed after obtaining a work permit. please bring:
- A written attestation from your inviting academic staff member describing your occupation and the exact period of your work (Internal form).
- An External official form (filled out by the foreign citizen and signed by the inviting academic staff member) for your B-1 visa.
- A copy of the two first pages of your valid passport.
- A check (of BGU- to be issued by the e-Tafnit system) to the Ministry of Interior on the total of 195 NIS. Note: fees may change without notice.
- Your valid passport.
External form to be filled-in by your academic tutor/host when asking for the work permit
Internal form to be filled-in by your academic tutor/host
External form to be filled-in by the guest when asking for the visa for the first time
External form to be filled-in by the guest when asking for a prolongation of the visa
Passport Authorization form
Issued for a short period of time or as an authorization to enter in Israel.
Issued (before arrival or upon arrival at the airport, depending on nationality) to visiting scientists and to accompanying persons.
Granted to researchers on Sabbatical year and to participants in short-term programs such as conferences, Ulpan (Hebrew school), academic meetings, etc.
Granted only to children, husband or wife of trainees, guests, and visitors.
For the request of a spouse's visa- a marriage certificate and a birth certificate of the spouse must be presented.
For children's visa- the child's birth certificate must be presented.
Only original documents can be presented (or faithful to the original) together with one photocopy of the original.
This visa serves also B-1 spouse.
Holders of B-2 Visa are NOT allowed to work in Israel!
Children of B- 1 visa holders that go to kindergarten or school, have to apply for an A-2 visa.
How to obtain a B-2 Visa
In order to enter and stay in Israel, you must obtain an appropriate and up-to-date visa that is in correlation with the purpose of your stay. Please make sure to follow the following steps:
- Please contact the visa coordinator at BGU in order to get assistance with your visa application.
- Obtain health insurance (also possible through the Office of International Academic Affairs). This is a mandatory request.
- Obtain an acceptance/explanation letter from BGU.
- Visit the closest Israel representation with the acceptance letter and other documents requested by the relevant representation, in order to stamp your passport with the relevant visa.
- Send a scanned copy of your health insurance policy, acceptance letter and visa to BGU's Welcome Center.
B-2 Spouses of B-1 visa holders may also apply for an extension of their B-2 visa.
Your inviting academic staff member should come to the Office of International Academic Affairs with the following items (before traveling to Israel)- A written attestation describing your field of studies and the exact period of your stay. Internal form to be filled in by your inviting academic staff member.)
- Your inviting academic staff member should fill in the appropriate external official form for your B-2 visa.
- Payment of 195 NIS. Note: fees may change without notice.
- A copy of the two first pages of your valid passport.
- Spouses of B-1 holders, who are requesting a B-2 Visa must also provide a copy of your Certificate of Marriage.
- For children traveling with you, please also provide with a birth certificate.
Internal form to be filled-in by your academic tutor/host
External form to be filled-in by your academic tutor/host
Passport Authorization form
B1 for spouses of international Ph.D. students & Post-Docs (ONLY)
In accordance with the new regulations from the Ministry of Interior, doctoral students and Post Doctorate fellows can request a B1 visa, for their spouse without the need to obtain employment permits. The application for this visa type will be submitted to the Ministry of Interior in Beer Sheva, once both partners are in Israel.
The personal presence of both partners is required at the Ministry when the request is submitted.
The documents required for the application:
- Visa category change form:
B1- spouses of International Ph.d students Post-Docs (only).pdf - An official document from the country of origin issued in the last six months confirming that the spouse does not have a criminal record or any convictions.
- Copy of marriage certificate.
- A confirmation from the university that the student is studying for a doctorate or post-doctorate degree.
- A confirmation from the university that the student is receiving a scholarship for his/her studies or attesting to their means of income during the academic year.
- Health insurance policy
Please make sure that the spouse's passport is valid for at least six months from the expiration date of the requested visa. The change of visa category includes a fee, as stipulated by the MOI. The final decision regarding the request will take into consideration multiple factors including stays in Israel.
The visa granted will be valid for the duration of the partner's student current visa (maximum of one year), the shorter of the two.