The MA program in Foreign Literatures explores Western literature of various periods and contexts, with a strong focus on British and American literature. Literary texts are studied in the context of cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and comparative approaches. The courses are taught by internationally-renowned scholars who employ a wide range of theoretical and cultural approaches. Students come from all backgrounds, something which makes for a pluralist academic community and a lively exchange of ideas. The informal atmosphere of our relatively small department provides a nurturing learning environment, allowing for individual attention and guidance.
The MA program offers both a thesis (research) track and a non-thesis (general) track. Both are two-year programs (although in practice, studying for the degree sometimes requires three years), and both have three objectives: (1) to familiarize students with current research topics in the field; (2) to engage students in academic discourse, research methodologies, and critical reasoning; (3) to train students in academic writing and usage of literary criticism and relevant theories. Additionally, in the thesis track, students conduct original research and contribute to knowledge in the field.
Thesis track
Literature students in the thesis track take a methodology course in their first year. Beyond this, students may choose freely from the MA courses offered. All MA courses are run as seminars. Students must write a long seminar paper in two courses of their choice.
Overall, students in the thesis track take 24 credit points (comprising 50% of the final grade). They also write a research thesis (12 credit points, comprising 50% of the final grade). Students are encouraged to attend the departmental seminar throughout their two years of study.
All research students are expected to choose an advisor and begin working on their thesis proposal (approx. 5-7 pages plus bibliography) before the end of the first year. The thesis advisor works closely with the student, preparing the proposal. Once it is approved another faculty member serves as a second reader, and the student is asked to "defend" the proposal in a three-way conversation, modeled on the PhD proposal "defense". This conversation results in approval or a request for revision. When the proposal has been approved by both readers, the student may proceed with his/her MA research.
Non-thesis track
Students in this track take 36 credit points (comprising 80% of the final grade) plus a final oral exam (comprising 20% of the final grade). This exam is based on a reading list grounded in, but broadening, the content of two courses taken during MA studies. The list is prepared in consultation with the teacher of each course. Students take the exam once they have completed and received grades for all of their course work. The oral exam is administered by the two teachers plus the MA advisor.