One Department, Two Disciplines
The Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev comprises fourteen full-time faculty members and several adjunct lecturers who specialize in two related yet distnict disciplines: the study of literatures in English and the systematic study of language. All departmental classes and activities are conducted entirely in English. Our diverse research interests reflect the department's engagement in the two central disciplines of linguistics and literary studies, as well as its broad humanistic and interdisciplinary orientation.
Studying Literature at BGU
Faculty members in the Department specialize primarily in the literary traditions of Britain and the United States. By examining a range of texts from various historical and cultural contexts, we learn to appreciate the full complexity of human experience and creativity throughout the ages. A variety of critical and theoretical approaches - including Postcolonialism, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, and Cognitive Poetics - encourages students to explore the connections between different cultures, disciplines, genres, and arts.
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Studying Linguistics at BGU
The Department offers introductory and advanced courses in the core areas of linguistics, namely syntax (sentence structure), semantics (structure of meaning), phonology (structure of sounds), lexicon (mental dictionary) – as well as in more applied areas of linguistics, such as language acquisition (how children acquire language), language disorders, neurolinguistics (language and the brain), bilingualism, English as a second language, linguistics and science fiction, and theory of communication.
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Watch a short video (in Hebrew) about our BA programs in both Literature and Linguistics