The BA program in English Literature introduces students to the major traditions and texts of literatures in English, primarily British literature and American literature, while helping students develop their analytical skills and improve their proficiency in Engish. First-year courses focus on the conventions of literary genres; second- and third-year courses explore the history and development of Engish and American literatures and offer a solid foundation in the study of literary and critical theories.

54 Credit Point Program in English Literature - תכנית דו-מחלקתית
Students in this program combine 54 credit points in English Literature with 54 credit points in another discipline - in our department (Linguistics) or in another department.
Students in this program start with several first-year introductory courses (18 pts): Introduction to Prose Fiction (4 pts.), Academic Writing Workshop (4 pts.), Introduction to Poetry (4 pts.), Introduction to Drama (4 pts.), and Roots of Western Culture (2 pts.). These courses introduce first-year literature students to the conventions of literary genres and provide them with useful analytic tools.
Second-year literature students take three historical surveys (4 pts. each) - Survey of English Literature I (Middle Ages to 1660); Survey of English Literature II (1660-1900); Survey of American Literature to 1865 - as well as a course in literary theory (4 pts. + 2 pts. in "targil"). In their third year, students take one required course (a 4 pt. survey of 20th-century literature) and write one seminar paper (worth 4 pts.). In addition, they have a selection of elective courses to choose from during their three-year studies.
Providing a solid basis in English Literature at the BA level, the program can be studied with numerous other disciplines. Popular combinations include

80 Credit Point Program (major in English Literature) - תכנית מחלקה ראשית
Students in this program take English Literature as their major subject. Their minor subject (חטיבה), consisting of 28 credit points, may be taken in any other department in the Faculty. Popular combinations include Education, Philosophy, General History, Psychology, or Sociology & Anthropology. Students can also Linguistics (studied in our department) as their minor (as part of the 108 credit point program, described below).
Students in this program start with several first-year introductory courses (18 pts.): Introduction to Prose Fiction (4 pts.), Academic Writing Workshop (4 pts.), Introduction to Poetry (4 pts.), Introduction to Drama (4 pts.), and Roots of Western Culture (2 pts.). These courses introduce first-year literature students to the conventions of literary genres and provide them with useful analytic tools. Second-year literature students take three historical surveys (4 pts. each) - Survey of English Literature I (Middle Ages to 1660); Survey of English Literature II (1660-1900); Survey of American Literature to 1865 - as well as a course in literary theory (4 pts. + 2 pts. in "targil"). In their third year, students take one required course (a 4 pt. survey of 20th-century literature) and write two seminar papers (worth 4 pts. each). In addition, they have a wide variety of elective courses to choose from during their three-year studies.

28 Credit Point Program (minor in English Literature) - חטיבת לימודים
This program aims to provide students with a solid foundation in English literature, but with little specialized knowledge. Like the 80 and 54 credit point programs, it begins with first-year introductory courses; in their second year students take two (of the three) historical surveys, as well as the course in literary theory; and they write one seminar in their third year.
108 Credit Point Combined Program (BA in English Literature & BA in Linguistics) - תכנית חד-מחלקתית
The 108 point combined BA program is designed for students who have a serious interest in both linguistics and English literature. It is also especially suited to prospective English teachers.
Students in this program take the required courses for both tracks (as specified in the Shnaton, in the section depicting the 108 point program). In the third year, they take additional electives, divided as equally as possible between Linguistics and English Literature. They also study seminars, both in Literature and in Linguistics.
A note on general courses - קורסים כלליים
All students in BGU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences complete their 120 credit point degree by taking 10 additional credit points in other departments – that is, by choosing from a rich list of general courses advertised by the Faculty. (Our students are exempt from the general university requirement of 2 credit points in English proficiency).
International students, who are not required to master Hebrew, can complete their additional 10 credit points by choosing from a general list of courses in English offered by various BGU programs. For more details, see here.