$$News and Reports$$

Jul. 02, 2018


22.jpgAsian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology has awarded Prof. Michael Bar-Eli of the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management the ASPASP Fellow “in recognition of significant contribution to developing sport and exercise psychology in the Asian and South Pacific regions." ASPASP President, Prof. Liwei Zhang, presented Bar-Eli the award at the July, 2, 2018 annual ASPASP International Congress held in The Republic of Korea, marking 30 years since the Association's establishment that Bar-Eli was a part of.

Internationally recognized as both a sports psychologist and organizational psychologist for more than 35 years, Prof. Michael Bar-Eli has not only researched the science of performance but has also worked directly with elite athletes, coaches, and teams to help them improve their success on the court or field. Few understand the importance of psychological skills better than Prof. Bar-Eli, and how they relate to all walks of management and life.

In his most recent publication, the book Boost!, Prof. Bar-Eli takes lessons learned from sports psychology. He translates them for leaders and managers in all fields, prescribing how to apply these lessons to improve managerial support to inspire co-workers and employees, thus creating a sustainable, successful working environment and business.

The Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) was established in Singapore in 1989, during the 7th World Congress of Sport Psychology. It is affiliated to the world body, the International Society of Sport Psychology ISSP. ASPASP now has representation from 23 countries and regions, facilitating the development of sport psychology throughout the Asian-South Pacific region (http://www.aspasp.org/).

Sport psychology is an interdisciplinary science that draws on knowledge from many related fields.

Pictured below: Prof. Bar-Eli is awarded Fellow by ASPASP President Prof. Liwei Zhang from China
