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Guilford Glazer Faculty
of Business & Management
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The Guilford Glaser Faculty of Business and Management is the leading faculty in Israel

in an innovative and valuable management approach: "Management leads society."

The faculty is highly regarded internationally thanks to innovative research and unique

study programs that train broad-minded managers with leadership skills and social responsibility.

The Faculty of Management is the only one in Israel with international accreditation by EQUIS-EFMD.

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The faculty offers bachelor's degree (B.A.) and master's degree (M.B.A., M.A.) study      programs related to the business, public and tertiary sectors. Diverse M.B.A.                programs - business administration, a program for professionals, a program for social  leadership, outstanding students, and a program in the English language, IMBA.

The fields of training of the faculty's departments range from health systems                management through management and public policy to tourism and leisure                management. Learning alongside students from different areas of activity gives our

students a broad perspectivenot found anywhere else.

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Faculty leads Impact

Relevant management requires broad and up-to-date evidence that bringing the organization's value
coincides with the company's improvement. We emphasize providing tools to deal with the complex
business environment managers face today, managers who consider both the company and
the environment in which the organization operates - in other words: "management leads society."

