Students in GGFBM Mandel Social Leadership MBA Program Participated in Seminar in Paris
February 5, 2016 students from the fifth graduating class of the Mandel SocialLeadership MBA Program (SLMBA) of the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and
Management (GGFBM) participated in a week-long seminar that took place at the IAE ParisPantheon Sorbonne (Sorbonne Graduate Business
School). The seminar was led by Prof. Pierre Kletz, Chair of the
SLMBA Program and Dr. Granit Almog-Barket, Director of the Graduate Unit of the
Leadership Institute. The topic of the seminar was The third sector, complement or
substitute for the welfare state, associations and foundations: The French case. The students met
with non-for-profits and third sector organizations of France: FSJU, Medecins du Monde, Emmaus,
Unis Cite ,,Les Restos du Coeur, Fondation Scelles, Fondation Renault, Les
Apprentis d’Auteuil Casip-Cojasor, Secours Catholique, as well as a
visit at the Israel Embassy in Paris.
seminar marked the final part of the SLMBA intensive four-semester studies
for the fifth graduating class of the GGFBM Mandel Social Leadership MBA Program.