
25 אוק' 2017

המחלקה לניהול מערכות בריאות

סמינר המחלקה 25.10.2017 בשעה 8:30

בניין קרוליין, חדר 204



Professor Karl Krajic

Vienna University


“Developing residential aged care into health promoting organizational settings –

Pilot projects in the context of Aged Care in Austria"



The presentation will start out describing some basic concepts, structures, dynamics and problem areas of Aged Care in Austria (including management of the complex interface of social and health care).

In a second step, a research and development program will be described that specified and implemented an internationally innovative comprehensive settings approach for health promotion in 8 residential care units in two Austrian provinces (2011 – 2017).  Health Promotion was framed as strategy for quality improvement in aged care, targeting residents, staff and residents' relatives and aiming at organizational solutions which would be feasible, effective and sustainable.



Karl Krajic, Dr.Phil. PD

Studied Sociology, Political Science and Communications at University of Vienna; PhD in 1987, Habilitation for Sociology in 2008. Research work as Senior Scientist at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine, Vienna 1987-2008, Key Researcher at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Health Promotion Research 2008-2015; FORBA - Working Life Research Centre, Vienna 2015. Teaching as Lecturer at University of Vienna and several other Austrian Universities 1987 – present; Adjunct Professor at University of Vienna 2008 – present. Professional functions include: Chair of the Health and Medical Sociology Section of the Austrian Sociological Association 2007 -; Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology 1999-2007; consultant for WHO, Regional Office for Europe, referee for journals (e.g. Health Promotion International) and research funding agencies.

Current research interests are focused on health promotion in organizational settings, especially service organizations in health and social care (aged care) in their societal context; workplace health and health promotion; work situation and professional development of different health professions

Selected recent English language publications

▪ Applications of Salutogenesis to Aged and Highly-Aged Persons: Residential Care and Community Settings. In: Mittelmark, M. et al. (Ed.): The Handbook of Salutogenesis. Springer, Open Access 2017 p.325-336,  http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-04600-6  (co-author: Quehenberger, V.)

▪ Professionals' perspectives towards health promotion in residential aged care: an explorative study in Austria. In: Health Promotion International 2016 Health Promotion International, Advance Access Sep. 30, 2016, 1–11 doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw075 (co-authors: Marent, B., Wieczorek, C.)

▪ Effectiveness of a low-threshold physical activity intervention in residential aged care - results of a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2015 (10), 885-895; (co-authors Cichocki,M., Quehenberger,V., Zeiler,M., Adamcik,T., Manousek,M., Stamm,T), 

▪ Health-promoting residential aged care: a pilot project in Austria. Health Promotion International 2015, 30 (3): 769-781 (co-authors Cichocki,M, Quehenberger, V.

▪ Sustainable effects of a low-threshold physical activity intervention on health-related quality of life in residential aged care. In: Clinical Interventions in Aging, November 2014 (9) 1853—1864 (co-authors Quehenberger V, Cichocki M,)

▪ Austrian Health Consumer Groups - A Voice Gaining Strength? In: Lofgren,H., De Leeuw,E., Leahy,M. (Eds.), Democratising Health: Consumer Groups in the Policy Process: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2011 (co-authors Forster,R., Braunegger-Kallinger,G.)

▪ Career entry and career perspectives of medical graduates in Austria. In: van den Bussche, H.: Perspectives de carrier des étudiantes an medicine en fin d'étude dans certains pays de l'OCDE: une etude comparative. Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales. Paris, Numéro special 2010

▪ Structures and Trends in Health Profession Education in Europe. In: Dubois CA, Nolte E, McKee, M: Human resources for health in Europe. Publication of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Maidenhead, Open University Press , S. 79-97, 2006 (co-author Kachur, E.).

▪ Improving ethno-cultural competence of hospital staff by training – Experiences from the European Migrant Friendly Hospitals project  Diversity in Health and Social Care, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2005 (co-authors Straßmayr, Ch., Karl-Trummer, U., Novak-Zezula, S., Pelikan, J. M.:

▪ The health promoting hospital (HPH): Concept and development, in:  Patient Education and Counseling 45, 4, 239-243, 2001 (co-authors Pelikan, J. M., Dietscher, C.).