$$News and Reports$$

Feb. 01, 2016
Dr.Rubin Natan
Dr. Natan Rubin of the Department of Computer Science has won a prestigious Horizon 2020 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. Rubin’s field of research is Computational Geometry. Computational Geometry is the branch of Theoretical Computer Science that is devoted to the design of efficient algorithms for geometric problems, which arise in various application areas (robotic motion planning, geographical information systems, computational biology, etc).

His ERC Project "The Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Geometry" concerns the complexity of fundamental combinatorial structures, which determine the performance of most geometric algorithms. The primary emphasis is on Voronoi tessellations, and on understanding the underlying properties of geometric intersection graphs and set systems, which enable efficient approximation algorithms for "geometric" variants of computationally intractable (NP-hard) problems.  

Dr. Rubin joined the Department of Computer Science in October 2014 upon completion of his PhD studies in 2011 and three years as a postdoc, first as Amos-De-Shalit Named Minerva Fellow at the Free University of Berlin, and then as an FSMP Postdoc at Jussieu Institute of Mathematics and Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.

His works resolved several long-standing open problems in Discrete and Computational Geometry, and were recognized with Best Paper Awards at flagship venues: Symposium on Computational Geometry (2012) and Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2013).

Dr. Rubin is a recipient of the Israel Science Foundation  and the US Israel Bi-National Science Foundation grants.

ERC Starting Grants  provide attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators and their research teams to pursue groundbreaking, high-gain/ high-risk research at the frontiers of knowledge. Funding per grant: up to € 1.5 million over a five year duration plus up to € 0,5 million for large equipment.

The European Research Council awarded Starting Grants to 291 early-career researchers this year. In addition to Dr. Rubin, Dr. Eyal Arbely and Dr. Itzhak Mizrahi    also received an ERC Starting Grant this year.