As Vice-President for Research and Development, Prof. Dan Blumberg oversaw a range of initiatives and collaborative efforts in Israel and abroad, on a wide range of academic areas. During his tenure as Vice-President, BGU developed research ties with universities in Arizona and Illinois, hospitals in China and Cincinnati and more. He also oversaw the development of collaborative efforts with the Israel Police, Israel's defense establishment, private industry and successfully lobbied for many large research grants.
In his role as Vice-President for Regional and Industrial Development, Prof. Blumberg is responsible for developing and protecting the University's role in the ongoing expansion of the hi-tech industry at BGU, in Beer-Sheva and around the Negev region and has a key role in promoting applied research around the world. He also focuses on maintaining and expanding the University's relationships with the private sector.
Prof. Blumberg is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics and is the head of BGU's Earth and Planetary Image Facility. He received his PhD in Planetary Geology and Physical Geography from Arizona State University. He has conducted groundbreaking research in remote sensing, including experiments involving observation systems installed on satellites and aircraft to study planetary geography, on Earth and other planets. He is a member of the NASA Spaceborne Imaging Radar Science Team, as well as the Israel Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. He is the director of Israel's Homeland Security Institute, as well as of BGU's award-winning Green Campus initiative.
In 2017 Prof. Blumberg's lab launched a nano-satellite, BGUSAT, equipped with a CCD camera, a Tri-Axis inertial sensor, an experimental space GPS sensor from Honeywell, a magnometer, an optic communication sensor and optional extra payload to allow it to take photographs of a variety of weather patterns. The University also built a lab to save the photographs and to give faculty members and students access to the images.
Related Websites:
Prof. Dan Blumberg's website
The Earth and Planetary Image Facility