$$News and Reports$$

May. 24, 2012
​​​How often do you encourage others to pursue their dreams? How often do you feel caught up in daily hassles that keep you from following your own dreams?
Dr. Rachel Barkan​, GGFBM Department of Business Administration, and Prof. Shai Danziger of Tel-Aviv University try to understand why it is always “easier said than done.” Their research, funded by the Israel Science Foundation ISF, examines the differences between choice and advice in a wide variety of situations. Racheli Barkan.jpg

In a new research paper Danziger, Barkan and PhD student Ronit Montal demonstrate how advisers tend to promote idealistic options while choosers tend to opt for pragmatic options. The paper entitled “Idealistic Advice and Pragmatic Choice: A Psychological Distance Account” was recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, one of the top psychology journals.