$$News and Reports$$

Oct. 29, 2019

Prof. Avishay Goldberg, Chair of the Department of Health Systems Management, jointly belonging to the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management (GGFBM) and the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, has been appointed chair of NITE the Israel National Institute for Testing & Evaluation

Avishay_Goldberg.jpgAfter his service in the Israel Medical Corps, during which he commanded the Military Medical School and was also the Assistant Chief Medical Officer for the organization, in 2000 he was appointed head of the Emergency Medicine Department at the Recanati School of Health Professions of BGU. He earned international recognition and became Israel's leader in the field. In 2003, he was elected head of the School of Community Health Professions and carried out substantial academic and administrative reforms. In 2008, he began serving as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Chair of the Faculty Teaching Committee, and from 2010-2018 served as Vice-Rector of the University

Prof. Goldberg is an outstanding researcher and lecturer who has published over 100 articles in the fields of management and health policy, and disaster management in leading journals in Israel and around the world. Throughout his academic career, he has supervised dozens of research students, raised funds and initiated many curricula in the fields of medical management and health care, including a master's degree in emergency medicine

Prof. Goldberg has served as a member of the key BGU: Member of the Senate, Central Committee, High Appointments Committee, Chair of the Israeli Hope Steering Committee, and responsible for receiving students of studies. Alongside his work in the academic arena, he serves as a member of the National Systems Logistics Council, a member of the Scientific Committee, Israeli Advanced Studies and member of national committees to promote health system readiness

"I am proud to be the first faculty member from Ben-Gurion University to serve as Chairman of the National Center's Executive Committee since its founding in 1981. The challenges we face are many: promoting psychometric testing reform, increasing our involvement in unique admissions procedures, accessible to all populations, and more," said Prof. Goldberg. 

"It is a great honor to Avishay and the Faculty of Management. Avishay's appointment to this important role is another element of the GGFBM's significant impact on Israeli society. After all, this is our motto, the vision of the faculty: Management leads society. Avishay​ has been proof of this over the years as a leading faculty member. We are proud of him, "said Prof. Miki Malul, GGFBM Dean.