The Decision Making and Economic Psychology Center (DMEP)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality (RATIO)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
are happy to invite you to the joint workshop
Judgement and Decision Making: Real World Implications
Please register here
(no fees entailed, but registation is required)
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Nathan Novemsky
Yale University
Prof. Zur Shapira
New York University
We are grateful to the following sponsors:
Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business & Management, BGU
BGU Office of the Rector
BGU Faculty of Engineering Sciences
BGU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
I-CORE - the Israeli Centers for Research Excellence
Please register here
for the conference, for organized Jerusalem ride, for dinner, before Dec. 16, 2017.
Program, Dec. 21, 2017:
9:15 |
Registration & Refreshments | |
9:45 |
Dr. Simone Moran (Head of DMEP, BGU) | Welcome |
10:00 |
Keynote Nathan Novemsky (Yale University)
| Changing Choice by Changing Attribution: The Role of Shifting Attribution on Consumer Choice |
11:00 | Oded Lowengart (BGU)
| The Effect of Role Model on the Obesity Epidemic |
11:20 |
Netta Barak-Corren (HUJI) | Identifiability in Sexual Harassment Cases |
11:40 |
Coffee Break
12:10 |
Coby Morvinski (BGU)
| The Effect of Stated Preference on Subsequent Revealed Preference
12:30 |
Kobi Gal (BGU) | Solving the Disengagement Problem in Peer Production Sites |
12:50 |
Elliot Ludvig (University of Warwick) | Gambling in People and Pigeons |
13:10 | Dorit Efrat Treister (BGU)
| Why am I Waiting? When Information Backfires
13:30 |
Lunch Break
15:00 |
Blitz session (10-minute talks) | |
Meir Barneron (HUJI)
| Rate it twice: Using the Wisdom of “Many in One Mind” to Improve
Performance Evaluation
Ilana Ritov (HUJI) | Causal Misattribution of Wild Fires in Israel |
Elias L. Khalil
(Monash U) | Dissecting Confirmation Bias: Self-Deception contra Incumbent Belief |
Uriel Haran (BGU) |
The Social Function of Reported Confidence |
Adiel Moyal (HUJI) |
Generalized Inequality Aversion and Social Comparison Direction |
Anna Dorfman (TAU) |
From Social Mobility to Income Inequality: On Universal Merit Beliefs, CEO-to-Worker Pay Gaps, and Inequality Tolerance |
Ronit Montal-Rosenberg (BGU)
Ideological Misjudgment and Misuse of Conditional Probabilities in Evaluating Policies towards Rare Events |
Inbal Harel-Kessler (BGU) |
The Effect of Religiousness and References to Religious Beliefs on Organ Donation Decisions |
16:20 |
Coffee break
Keynote Zur Shapira (New York University) | Aspiration and Survival Reference Points: Their Effects on Risk Taking in Real World Situations
17:50 | Ilana Ritov (HUJI) | Closing |
18:15 |
Dinner | Little India Restaurant, self-sponsored, NIS 80, NIS 40 student discount, registration in advance
Parking is in visitor parking lots on Ben-Gurion Blvd:
1) Opposite Soroka University Medical Center, entry to campus at gate across from the hospital
2) At the BGU Sports Center – entry to campus up the steps to the bridge walkway leading to the north east gate nearest to Building 37
Signs around campus will guide you to the conference hall