The Third Sector and the Financial Crisis: Can we do more with less?
Authors: Hagai Katz and Hila Yogev-Keren
Abstract of the Hebrew report
Publication Year: 2010
A Proposal for Organizing the Philanthropic Foundations in Israel
Author: Dr. Nissan Limor
Publication Year:2008
Philanthropy in Israel 2006: Pattern of Giving and Volunteering of the Israeli Public
Authors: Hagai Katz, Esther Levinson, Benjamin Gidron
Published: 2007
Israeli Third Sector Database 2007 – Patterns and Developments
Author:  Benjamin Gidron, Yael Elon
Publication Year: 2007
The Israeli Third Sector during the Lebanon War (Summer 2006)
Its Functioning and Its roles during a State of Emergency
Author:  B. Gidron, H. Katz, Y. Elon, E. Levinson, E. Raviv, M. Ya'acobi, H. Yogev
Publication Year: 2007
At a Glance
Publication Year: 2007
The Institutionalization of Protest: Trends in Social Change Organization in Israel
Author:  R.Kaufman, B.Gidron
Publication Year: 2006
Civil Society and the Local Government: Interaction between Civil Society
Organizations and the Local Government in two Cities and three municipalities , 2000 – 2003
Author:  M. Sharir, S. Heilbrunn, I.Galnoor
Publication Year: 2006
Data on the Israeli Third Sector
Author: Hagai Katz, Yael Elon, Benjamin Gidron, Debi Babis
Publication Year: 2006
Volunteering, Giving ans Attitudes Regarding Organizations
in the Palestinian-Arab Society in Israel: Re-Examination.
Author: Dr. Elias Zeidan
Publication Year: 2005
Community Organization for Services Provision and its Implications for City Planning.
A Case Study: Immigrant's community in Haifa*
Author: Meirav Bleiman
Publication Year: 2005
Behavioral, Structural and environmental Characteristics of Nonprofit Organizations
in Israel that Abuse their Favored Position
Author: Elie Brauner
Publication Year: 2004
The Israeli Third Sector – Between Welfare State and Civil Society.
Author: Prof. Benny Gidron, Michal Bar and Dr. Hagai Katz
Publication Year: 2004

The book is published by Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers and is available on the net bookshops. ICTR is selling only the Hebrew version of the book (12 $).

The Nonprofit Sector in has recently come into prominence because of its multiple societal functions, which include its central role in the development and maintenance of 's Welfare State and its contribution to the building of its civil society. Both of these have major social, economic and political implications, and impact the building of the Israeli democracy.
Voluntary nonprofit organizations have a strong base in Jewish history and deep roots within Israeli society, yet knowledge about them is sparse. This situation can be explained by the lack of appropriate conceptual tools to analyze the Third Sector and its components. However, this issue has begun to change over the past decade as interest in the Third Sector worldwide grows, and a developing literature on the subject emerges. In , as in most countries, the development of the Third Sector coincided with a trend to cut public funding and the provision of social services within the welfare state system, as well as other developments pertaining to the changes within the Israeli society and polity. The book presents the economic, historical, legal and policy dimensions of the Sector with a focus on its contribution to the Welfare State and civil society. It then analyzes those findings in the context of major theoretical frameworks of the sector. While shares certain similarities with other countries, its history, demography, and politics have created unique features that make it impossible to fit the country into existing Third Sector theories, which are presented in this seminal reading for the global discussion on nonprofit theory. Furthermore, that analysis, with the focus on the Third Sector in the context of society is also providing a new lens through which to analyze contemporary Israeli society. This book is of interest to researchers and students of global Third Sector research and its practical and theoretical implications, as well as to those interested in the Israeli society.
The Review Committee of Governement Policy Towards the Third Sector in Israel
Author: I. Galnoor and others
Publication Year: 2003
Philanthropy in Israel - Patterns of giving and volunteering of the israeli public
Author: Samuel Shye, Alon Lazar, Rivka Duchin, Benjamin Gidron
Publication Year: 2000

The report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of philanthriopic activity in Israel in respect to its two major aspects: donations and volunteer work.As a reflection of personal decisions regarding the nature and scope of charitable activity, it is a direct expression of individual's values and goals.Donations and volunteer work feature prominently in the operations of non profit organizations providing services in the domains of welfare, health, education religion and culture.

The objective of the study was to provide a comprehensive picture of the philanthropic behavior of the Israeli public in regard to both donation and volunteer work.
Dedinning the Nonprofit Sector: Israel
Author:  B. Gidron, H. Katz
Publication Year: 1998