
​Noa Argamani

Noa Argamani is a 3rd-year student at the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering at B​​en-Gurion University. Her friends describe her as the most friendly and lovely person. She loves the outdoors, meditation, and traveling: she was on a trip to Sri Lanka during the academic 2023 Summer Break. For Noa, an ambitious and dedicated student, seeking an engineering degree in information technology was a means to positively affect the world and improve human conditions around the globe.

Noa is the only child of Ya'akov and Liora, a Chinese-born former exchange student at Ben-Gurion University. Recently, Liora was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and Noa took on additional responsibilities in caring for her mother while continuing her studies.

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On the night of October 6, Noa and her partner, Avinatan Or, headed to the Nova music festival. On the next morning, Hamas terrorists attacked the festival, massacred more than 360 participants, and abducted more than 40 others. Noa reported to her friends through social media that she was trying to escape the scene, but a few hours later, video clips taken by the terrorists themselves surfaced on Telegram showing Noa and Avinatan being kidnapped to Gaza. Noa has been held hostage ever since.



Three months after her abduction, Hamas released a video of Noa in captivity, looking frail and begging for her life. Avinatan's whereabouts are unknown to this date. The Red Cross was not allowed to visit any of the hostages; it is not clear if they receive medications, and reports indicate that hostages are systematically being mistreated and brutalized. Meanwhile, Noa's mother lives on borrowed time, and we fear she may never see her only child again.



Noa's family, friends and the entire BGU community are waiting anxiously for her speedy and safe return to her family and to the campus.


See also:        ​

The kidnapping of Noa (Wikipedia)

Re'im music festival (Wikipedia)