​Using a weak, easily uessable password is not a wise move. Remember, there are many applications that can create and test millions of passwords per hour. Even strong passwords can be hacked, but they make it harder for crackers

Is my password strong?

The password must be at least 8 characters, but not more than 24 characters.

Include a combination of uppercase letters, capital letters, numbers, and special characters, for example:  ! @ # $% ^ & * () _ + | ~ - = \ '{} []: ";' </ A>,. /

Create a password that is easy for you to remember, but impossible for someone else to guess

If you have a slight suspicion that your password has been compromised, change it immediately

Use password-protection software to prevent your passwords from being written on your computer in an unencrypted way

When you are asked on a web page “if you want it to remember your password “, select "NO"

** If you do all of the above, then you use strong passwords and do your best to prevent crackers from accessing your password-protected accounts. well done!

Is my password weak?

Do you write your passwords down or store them on your computer in plain text, such as Notepad or Word?

Do you choose Yes when applications ask you if you want them to remember your passwords for you?

Are you sharing your passwords with your colleagues?  

Do you choose the same password for each account?

Do you use your university password for non-university accounts?

Do you use easy to crack passwords such as your pet name, mother name, partner's name, etc.?

Do you use phone numbers, social security number, etc.?

Do you use initials or common patterns, such as uob, abcde, QWERTY, or 12345, or words in dictionaries?

** If you answered yes to even one, your account is a target for identity theft. Keep in mind that you will never have to discover the BGU account password or use it for non-BGU accounts.