Department of Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Netivot and was educated in the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) school system. I later completed my matriculation exams at a pre-academic program in Jerusalem. My academic studies, from bachelor’s degree to PhD, were all at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Over the past four years, I taught and conducted research at the Department of Communication at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germany.
My research:
I study the ways that social biases impact daily lives, and particularly social attitudes and behavior, from a comparative perspective.
Why BGU?
The people here and the environment are what brought me to Ben-Gurion University, an ideal space for taking my research in new directions.
An insight from my research:
Learning from failures is the foundation of future success.

Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
I run long distances.
When I grow up:
I’ll be a researcher.
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
Do running or mountain climbing.
In Brief:
» Steak or tofu? Both
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? Train
» Classical Europe or India? Classical Europe
» Ocean or pool? The ocean
» Night or Morning? Both
» Winter or summer? Winter
» City or country? Country
» Savory or Sweet? Savory