Department of Management
Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management

My life before BGU:
I was born and raised in Givatayim. I studied for all three of my degrees in the Department of Psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. My doctoral research investigated how people balance equity and efficiency when distributing resources among other people: Would they be willing to waste financial resources to avoid distributing them inequitably between other people? I did my postdoc at the Hebrew University’s Department of Psychology and Business School, where I investigated the factors affecting our ability to feel empathy towards others.
"For me, coming to BGU is coming home. The Faculty of Business and Management is the most significant center for the study of decision making in the country." |
My research:
I study the social contexts of decision making, and specifically decisions that involve ethical questions such as fairness, equity, trust, and integrity. My research highlights the critical impact of an actor’s agency on decision making. For example, I showed that people experience ‘inequity aversion’ as well as ‘inequity responsibility aversion.’ When they were asked to distribute vouchers for coffee and cake, people were willing to break with equity and give one person more vouchers than to others if the selection of that one person was random. They were not willing to decide who would “benefit” from the inequality they were creating.
Why BGU?
For me, coming to BGU is coming home. The Faculty of Business and Management is the most significant center for the study of decision making in the country, and my previous acquaintance with members of the Faculty convinced me that working with them would be satisfying, both professionally and interpersonally.

An insight from my research:
We like to think of our behavior as stemming from stable and fixed beliefs and perceptions, but in fact, we underestimate how much small differences in context and environment can influence them.
When I Grow Up:
As a child I wanted to be a lot of things, from a physicist to a youth guide. Today I am very happy with what I do.
If I were not a researcher, I would…
Probably be involved in some form of education or another.
In brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? I’ve been trying to establish a virtual presence on Twitter, so far without much success
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Game of Thrones (except for the last season)
» Yoga or CrossFit? Yoga
» Hapoel or Maccabi? I grew up in a Maccabi household
» Chess or backgammon? My son recently taught me to play chess, and I really enjoy playing with him, but I’ll never say no to a game of backgammon
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? Car, unfortunately
» Fortis or Sakharov? Sakharov
» Classical Europe or India? Europe
» Ocean or pool? The ocean
» Radio or podcast? Podcast
» Night or Morning? Until we had kids, I was a night person. Now it’s no longer an option
» Winter or summer? Winter, obviously. You sweat and burn in the summer. In the winter you skip in puddles and eat krembo
» Cat or dog? Dog. You can’t trust cats
» Film or Play? After a year and a half of Corona, you will have to remind me what that is.