Department of Management
Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management

My life before BGU:
I was born in Ashdod and by the 4th grade I had also lived in Eilat, South Africa and kibbutz Degania Bet. I completed high school in Herzliya. I have a bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science from the Hebrew University's Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot, and a master's degree and PhD in Industrial Ecology from Yale University in the US
"The Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management's vision and emphasis on environmental-social initiatives really appealed to me"
My research:
My research is on the environmental effects of consumerism, and how and when these can be moderated through behavioral and technological change, green products, and innovative business models such as circular economy and sharing economy.
Why BGU?
The Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management's vision and emphasis on environmental-social initiatives really appealed to me.
An insight from my research:
In many cases our intuition about what is more environmental or less environmental is incorrect. For example, many assume that reusable dishes are always more environmentally friendly that disposable dishes. But if we compare the single use of a glass cup to the single use of a disposable plastic cup, we will find that environmentally the plastic is actually preferable….. in fact, the manufacture of a glass cup uses much more resources and energy than the manufacture of a plastic cup. So, glass is preferable only if we really use it hundreds of times.

Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
We have a farm with an olive grove from which we produce excellent olive oil (you know where to find me if you want to order)
A source of inspiration:
My advisor from Yale Prof. Marian Chertow, and Jean-Luc Picard.
When I grow up:
I'll be an ice-cream inventor.
If I was not a researcher, I would:
be the captain of a pirate ship.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? ICQ
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Game of Thrones
» Yoga or CrossFit? Pilates
» Hapo'el or Maccabi? For the sake of peace at home, I choose to remain silent.
» Chess or backgammon? Backgammon
» Steak or tofu? Tofu
» Trekking or the spa? Spa
» Car or train? Only train!
» X-Box or PlayStation? Nintendo
» Fortis or Sakharov? Fortissakharov
» Classic Europe or India? India
» Ocean or the pool? Ocean, ocean, ocean
» Gal Galatz or Podcast? Podcast
» Winter or summer? Summer, on the whole I am against cold
» Movie or play? Binge watching of a good TV show