Department of Emergency Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences

Life before BGU:
I was born in Givatayim and finished high school in Maccabim-Reut. I did my bachelor's degree in physiotherapy at Tel Aviv University. Then I studied for a master's degree in health systems management at Bar-Ilan and continued on to BGU for my PhD.
"Israel is considered very strong in the field of emergency and disaster preparedness and response, but there is much to improve"
My research:
I research preparedness and response to emergency and disaster situations. My focus is on vulnerable populations (such as the elderly, chronically ill, children and others) as well as the integration of different technologies in the new emergency arena. My perspective is two pronged – to identify and chart weaknesses and vulnerabilities and at the same time identify resilience factors that can be used to strengthen the population and to reduce the negative impact of emergencies.
Why BGU?
BGU has been my home for the last 7 years as a doctoral student. I am proud and happy to continue my path here, as a faculty member.
An insight from my research:
Israel is considered very strong in the field of emergency and disaster preparedness and response, but there is much to improve.

Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
In the few hours I have to myself after work and my family, I try to read things other than academic articles…
A source of inspiration:
My mother in law – Prof. Amia Lieblich. She is inspiring both as a person and as a researcher.
When I grow up:
When I was a child, I was sure I would be a doctor. Today I'm completely satisfied as a researcher.
If I was not a researcher, I would:
It's a difficult question. Maybe I would realize my old dream to be a doctor.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? I've been trying to get into Twitter, but so far it's not really working
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? The Handmaid's Tale.
» Ocean or the pool? Ocean.
» Morning or night? Morning.
» Winter or summer? I prefer to sweat than to freeze.
» Cat or dog? Unfortunately, I'm allergic to cats.
» Movie or play? Both.
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