Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

My life before BGU: 

I was born in Ashdod and went to school there up until high school, when I attended a boarding school in Jerusalem.

I completed all three of my degrees at Ben-Gurion University, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (my bachelor’s degree was a dual degree with mathematics). During my master’s studies I investigated the capacity (maximal data transfer rate) of Ising channels with feedback. For my doctoral degree I studied forced coding systems, with a focus on understanding these systems when the restrictions were relaxed.

During my postdoctoral studies I combined the experience and knowledge accrued during my graduate studies in an investigation of distributed systems for information storage that change over time.


"I like focusing on problems that arise from practical difficulties (usually, problems that arise in industry) and finding solutions that are creative, easily to implement and effective"

My research​

My present research can be located in the field of coding/information theory. Broadly speaking, my goal is to find efficient methods of storing data in different systems and protecting that data from errors. I like focusing on problems that arise from practical difficulties (usually, problems that arise in industry) and finding solutions that are creative, easily to implement and effective. 

Why BGU? 

What do you mean? BGU is home.


An insight from my research: 

What is easiest to see is the hardest to prove.

Something that doesn’t appear on my CV:

I have been studying music ever since I can remember myself.

A source of inspiration:

There are all sorts, depending on the topic.


When I grow up: 

Truth be told, I always wanted to be a researcher.

If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...

Do extreme sports​.


In Brief: 

Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
» ​Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Obviously, GOT
» ​Yoga or CrossFit? CrossFit, though I've never tried yoga
» ​Hapoel or Maccabi? Really not my thing…
» ​Chess or backgammon? Chess
» ​Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» ​Car or train? Train (though a car during the corona crisis)
» ​Xbox or PlayStation? Xbox
» ​Fortis or Sakharov? Both!
» ​Classical Europe or India? Sometimes one and sometimes the other
» ​Ocean or pool? The ocean
» ​Radio or podcast? Podcast
» ​Night or Morning? Morning
» ​Winter or summer? Winter!
» Cat or dog? Dog
» ​Film or Play? Film