Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Michael Fire

My life before BGU:

I was born and raised in Petach Tikva. I studied for my undergraduate degree in mathematics and computers at Bar Ilan University, and continued there for my master's degree in mathematics focusing on algebraic combinatorics. I completed my doctorate at Ben-Gurion University in the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering, with a focus on data security and social networks. I then did a post-doc at the University of Washington in Seattle in the field of data science.


"In my opinion, one can't put it better than Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living." You don't have to deal formally with philosophy in order to lead such a life, but you certainly should adopt a measure of skepticism"


My research:

I research the field of data science, data and cyber security, and social networks. You can find more information about my research on my website and my BGU lab website

Why BGU?

The Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering is the place to be J
An insight from my research:
By analyzing a lot of data, it's possible to discover and learn amazing things about the world.
Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
My hobby is chess.

A source of inspiration:

Leonardo Da Vinci

When I grow up:

I'll be a researcher.

If I was not a researcher, I would:

probably work in hi-tech.​


In brief:

Maccabi or HaPoel? HaPoel
IPhone or Android? Android
Summer or winter? Summer
Book or movie? Both
Night or morning? Morning
Pizza or hamburger? Tea or coffee? Beer or wine? Pizza, tea and beer
Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad? Breaking Bad
An isolated cabin in nature or a pampering hotel in the city? Both
Dire Straits or Queen? Dire Straits



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