Department of Life Sciences
Faculty of Natural Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Argentina. I studied for my bachelor's degree at Tel Aviv University, and for my master's and PhD at the Weizmann Institute of Science. I went to Harvard University for a postdoc in Dan Polley's lab, where I investigated the ways that the brain compensates for damage to the nerve responsible for transmitting auditory signals from the environment to the brain.
"As I child I thought I might fly out to space, today I think my son might get the opportunity…"
My research:
My lab studies the neural mechanisms underlying our ability to process sensory information. Perception may appear as a straightforward process. The sensory stimulus is detected and its characteristics are passed forward. However, perception is shaped by numerous factors, such as our surroundings, our internal state and health. For instance, the sound of approaching footsteps is perceived as safe when walking down a well-lit street but as dangerous when walking down a dark alley. To understand how sound becomes a sensory experience, we study each stage of the process; from the molecular to the behavioral level. Our goal is to understand the link between auditory sensation and perception; and how changes in auditory perception can lead to sensory and mental health disorders.
Why BGU?
I really connected to the ethos of the Department of Life Sciences: the drive, the curiosity, the outstanding research, and the dedication and positive approach of both students and faculty.
An insight from my research:
Sensory perception is very plastic.
When I grow up:
As I child I thought I might fly out to space, today I think my son might get the opportunity…
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
Do something with numbers.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? Twitter » Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Game of Thrones
» Hapoel or Maccabi? Who?
» Steak or tofu? Steak. I was born in Argentina, after all.
» Classical Europe or India? Japan
» Ocean or pool? Both
» Radio or podcast? Podcast
» Night or Morning? Morning
» Winter or summer? Winter
» Cat or dog? Both
» Film or Play? Film