Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Natural Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Dimona and finished high school in Beer-Sheva. I completed my bachelor's and master's degrees in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at BGU. After that, I studied for my doctorate at Cambridge University in the Department of Earth Sciences and spent a year doing a post-doc at the Center for Geomicrobiology at Aarhus University in Denmark. Then I returned to Cambridge as a research fellow.
"Every pond is an ocean, every lake a universe, and their tales yet to be told"
My research:
I research how the organisms that live on ocean floors have shaped the planet earth into what it is today.
Why BGU?
The Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences was always like home for me and even during my doctorate and post-doc abroad, I would visit frequently.
An insight from my research:
"Every pond is an ocean, every lake a universe, and their tales yet to be told." The understanding that different systems, be they large or small, can be equally complex; it all depends on the scale and time frame we use to examine them.
Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
I have played classical guitar for almost twenty years, and I even recorded an album which I composed and recorded during my doctoral studies. (Listen to the album here)
A source of inspiration:
The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin. The elegance with which such a simple idea can explain great complexity is wonderful in my opinion.
When I grow up?:
As a child I wanted to be a basketball player, until I realized that I wouldn't get any taller. Today I understand that what I think I want to be when I grow up doesn't matter; one's path through life is full of surprises that make you realize that what you wanted in the past isn't relevant any more.
If I wasn't a researcher, I would be:
a bassist in a failing heavy metal band.
In brief: Maccabi or HaPoel? Maccabi iPhone or Android? Android Summer or winter? As much as I love the desert, I prefer to wear a raincoat over sunscreen, so winter Game of Thrones of Breaking Bad? Game of Thrones (before it became commercialized) An isolated cabin in nature or a pampering hotel in the city? A tent and a sleeping bag. Dire Straits or Queen? Queen…
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