Department of Education
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born and raised in Jerusalem. I studied for my bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Comparative Literature, and master's degree in the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University.
It was actually my experiences off campus which had the greatest influence on my academic career development. During my studies, I taught math and literature in a pre-academic program for people with learning disabilities, and for a shorter period as coach of a female basketball team. The combined experiences in these two very different frameworks stimulated my interest in the educational role of games, and the ways in which the learning environment indirectly shapes the students' experiences.
Therefore, I studied for my doctoral degree at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Education, combining philosophical research concerning democratic citizenship education (mainly in light of technological developments), and empirical research on the way in which computer game design can contribute to critical expertise in democracy – the ability to see the world through the eyes of another (perspective taking). In my postdoc at Tel Aviv University I began to focus on innovative learning environments, and tried to characterize online collaborative learning as a development of an epistemic network.
"There is a tendency to expect that education can fix the world, but it's unrealistic which only leads to magical solutions and disappointment"
My research:
My main research focuses on an attempt to describe my research in a short and concise way (there have been no groundbreaking discoveries in the field….) Broadly speaking, I try to combine philosophical research dealing with the ways in which new technologies change our perceptions of education and learning, and empirical research that deals with collaborative learning and the development of expertise, of students and teachers. Beyond this general interest, I am still curious about the role of the game study environment and the development of perspective taking, sciences, and educational technologies.
An insight from my research:
There is a tendency to expect that education can fix the world, but it's unrealistic which only leads to magical solutions and disappointment. The biggest challenge of our age is how not to regard technology as this magical solution, but as a tool that challenges us to think about the educational goals it is supposed to serve.

When I grow up:
As a child I dreamt of being a basketball coach, today I would like to be a person who goes to sleep when he decides.
In Brief
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Still the Simpsons
» Yoga or CrossFit? Hapo'el
» Hapo'el or Maccabi? Hapo'el
» Steak or tofu? Tofu unfortunately
» Car or train? Train
» Podcast or Galgalatz? Podcast, but just so that I can say "I heard on a podcast that…." about something that I actually read about on Walla
» X-Box or PlayStation? Hapo'el
» Fortis or Sakharov? Yes
» Classic Europe or India? India, but classic