​​​Department of Biomedical Engineering​
Faculty of Engineering Sciences​

My life before BGU​​​​

I was born and grew up in Ashkelon. I completed all three of my degrees at BGU's Department of Materials Engineering, focusing on absorbable metal implants. Afterwards, I did a postdoc at the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge in England, in the field of tissue engineering.


"BGU was my home for 12 years (through my undergrad, master's and doctoral studies) and I am both happy and proud to return and continue my journey here as a faculty member"​

My research​

My research focuses on the development of biomedical materials using different three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies, for example a 3D printing of a titanium hip-joint implant with a porous lattice structure together with 4D bio-printing of bone tissue using a bio-ink that contains a combination of hydrogel and cells. My lab is also involved in developing an implant that allows for controlled release of a chemotherapy drug for Glioblastoma (a type of brain cancer).


Why BGU?​

BGU was my home for 12 years (through my undergrad, master's and doctoral studies) and I am both happy and proud to return and continue my journey here as a faculty member.​


Something that doesn't appear on my CV

My principal hobbies are diving and photography.


A source of inspiration

My mother and father, who taught me that I could be and achieve anything I wanted, and that one should never give up, even when it's hard, until one's goal is achieved.


When I gro​​w u​​p​​

As girl I was certain I would become a singer; today I am totally satisfied with being a researcher.

If I wasn't a researcher, I would…

be a scriptwriter for suspense and detective movies and series


In Brie​f:

» Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Game of Thrones!!!
» Yoga or CrossFit? Pilates
» Hapoel or Maccabi? Next…
» Chess or backgammon? Next…
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? A jeep
» Xbox or PlayStation? Xbox
» Fortis or Sakharov? Fortisaharov
» Classical Europe or India? A bit of both
» Ocean or pool? Ocean
» Radio or podcast? Radio
» Night or Morning? Night
» Winter or summer? Summer
» Cat or dog? Cat!!!
» Film or Play? Film