School of Public Health
Faculty of Health Sciences

My life before BGU:
I lived in Beer-Sheva until the age of three and have been wandering in Israel and abroad ever since: We moved to the army base at Tzrifin, to Pardes Katz, Neve Sha'anan in Haifa, until my parents finally settled down in Rishon LeZion. I kept wandering: Kibbutz Yakum and the US. Since joining the World Health Organization (WHO) 17 years ago, I have been in many different countries, including Serbia (and Kosovo and Montenegro), Ukraine, and in the past six years, Denmark. During this time, I've always combined fieldwork with research and teaching. I am a pediatrician, a graduate of Tel Aviv University. After my internship, I continued my training in the US: I specialized in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition at Columbia University's (NY Presbyterian) children's hospital, where I also completed a master's in public health (MPH).
In my most recent role at the WHO, I oversaw the European Region's Health Emergencies and Program Area Emergency Operations, overseeing 53 countries, including Israel. I recently returned from Ukraine, where I oversaw the health and medicine aspects of humanitarian assistance.
I am currently a faculty member of BGU's School of Public Health and chair of the Food Systems, One Health and Resilience (BGU-FOR) Initiative.
Why BGU?
Ben-Gurion University is renowned far and wide: The emphasis is on students, and research and education are the core. Its impressive achievements come hand in hand with community engagement, caring, and dedication aimed at ensuring that no one is left behind. The people of the Negev, and the Negev itself, alongside the School of Public Health, make BGU my home.
My research:
I am interested in supra-disciplinary research on emergency preparedness and response: making life-saving medical services accessible to everyone, including unique and vulnerable populations; assessment of preparedness and response; management and command tools; local, national, regional and global response to emergencies; training of humanitarian assistance staff, and more. Also, in research, innovation and development aimed at protecting and promoting the balance entailed in the “One Health" approach (human, animal, and plant health, as well as environmental health), and nutritional and food security systems aimed at creating resilience.
Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
I aim to continue with the volunteer work that is so important to me.
And I love entertaining and being with family and friends! You're invited!
A source of inspiration:
The author Doris Lessing, who dedicated her life and her writing to human rights, fought discrimination, challenged stereotypes, and tirelessly spread her light.
When I grow up:
As a child, I wanted to become a doctor, an ambassador, and an actress.
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
Work in the community to combat poverty and provide opportunities for all.
In Brief:
» Car or train? Train… and ATV
» Classical Europe or India? India
» Ocean or pool? Ocean to experience nature and pool for swimming
» Night or morning? Night… when it's quiet and calm
» Winter or summer? Summer – easy, free, and happy
» City or country? Country, for the land and homestead agriculture
» Film or play? Film – unconstrained by time or place
» Phone call or text message? A heart-to-heart conversation, if possible
» Savory or sweet? Healthy. Vegetable salad
» Android or iPhone? iPhone. Irreplaceable
» Cat or dog? Both, with other animals as well
» Facebook or Twitter? I use both, for different purposes