Department of Materials Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in the United States and grew up in Pittsburgh. I did my undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins University and then my PhD at Penn State University, both in Materials Science & Engineering. In 2014, I made Aliyah to Israel and joined the Technion as a postdoc working on photoelectrochemical solar water splitting for hydrogen generation.
"The most important insight I’ve gained is the importance of questioning everything. Just because something is written in a textbook, does not necessarily mean it’s correct"
My research:
My research focuses on developing materials and devices for renewable solar energy conversion and storage. In one hour, more energy from the sun reaches the earth’s surface than is used by everyone in the world for one year. Our goal is to harness this energy to produce clean, renewable fuels such as hydrogen. Our lab’s research is multidisciplinary, incorporating thin film growth, semiconductor physics, and electrochemistry in order to understand and overcome the fundamental material challenges standing in the way of efficient solar to fuel conversion.
Why BGU?
I was drawn by both the excellence and friendliness of the faculty in the Department of Materials Engineering, as well as the constantly expanding focus on renewable energy research at BGU.
An insight from my research:
The most important insight I’ve gained is the importance of questioning everything. Just because something is written in a textbook, does not necessarily mean it’s correct.
Something that doesn’t appear on my CV:
When I’m not working, my favorite things to do are to travel, hike, and ski.
When I grew up :
Like many children, when I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. Now, I couldn’t be happier as a researcher, it’s truly my dream job.
If I were not a researcher, I would…
Probably be working on something related to renewable energy.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter: I’m not very active on either
» Game of Thrones or Simpsons: Tough choice, Game of Thrones if you exclude the last two seasons
» Hapoel or Maccabi? Maccabi Haifa became my Israeli soccer team during my postdoc
» Chess or backgammon? Chess
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? Depends on the route
» Xbox or PlayStation? Nintendo
» Fortis or Sacharov? I’m not really familiar with them, still learning Israeli music
» Classical Europe or India? Tough choice, but Europe wins
» Ocean or pool? Ocean
» Radio or podcast? Podcast or audiobook
» Night or morning? Both
» Winter or summer? Winter
» Cat or dog? Cat
» Play or film? Film