BGU and Arizona State University have signed a joint research agreement. Cooperation will take place on a number of topics of mutual interest, such as: Cyber security, Homeland security, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Community medicine, Space and remote sensing and Sustainability. The new collaboration will feature BGU and ASU researchers conducting joint research as well as student exchanges.
“ASU and BGU share many commonalities – innovation, similar geographic environments, locations in important urban centers, diverse student bodies and complicated socioeconomic environments,” Prof. Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan, ASU’s Senior Vice President of Knowledge Enterprise Development, said, “Most importantly, we share a deep mutual commitment to understanding society’s biggest challenges at the local and global levels and developing next-level solutions. We are excited to collaborate to design a joint platform that tackles issues of sustainability, water resource management, next generation energy, cyber-security and food security.”
“ASU and BGU are two universities who are growing along similar lines – from the natural environment in which they are based to the vision, strive for excellence, innovation and community action. The purpose of the project is to create a platform upon which to cultivate collaborations between researchers from both institutions that will lead to joint research proposals. Such proposals could open up new research horizons,” said Prof. Dan Blumberg, BGU VP and Dean of R&D and an alumnus of ASU.
While the project is focusing on the topics above, it is also open to other topics and types of cooperation. “We are interested in building a comprehensive and long-term collaboration which will lead in future both to joint research studies and joint courses,” Blumberg added.