Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Natural Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born and raised in Netanya and moved to Tel Aviv during my military service. I completed an undergraduate degree in computer science at the Technion as part of a the IDF academic reserve program, followed by master’s and PhD degrees at Tel Aviv University. I went abroad for postdoctoral studies at UT Austin (Austin is a fantastic city. I recommend visiting!) and Stanford, both in computer science.
"I’m especially looking forward to meeting and working with students full of curiosity and passion for research."
My research:
Computational complexity theory is the theoretical study of computational problem solving (and especially its limitations) using algorithms and other mathematical models. For example, which kind of problems can be solved under time and memory constraints, and which cannot? These questions have significant implications for all areas of life.
Within computational complexity theory, my research focuses on randomness in computation. Randomness is relevant to nearly every area of computer science, but it too, is a limited resource. How do we minimize randomness, or even eliminate random bits, and when is this even possible? Sometimes it is impossible, and then we attempt to distill perfect randomness from sources that are far from perfect.
Why BGU?
There are some outstanding researchers in the Department of Computer Science at BGU (and I’ve heard that the atmosphere is excellent as well), and I am looking forward to beginning collaborations with these colleagues. I’m especially looking forward to meeting and working with students full of curiosity and passion for research.

An insight from my research:
A quote from Prof. Avi Wigderson - “randomness is in the eye of the beholder” – illuminates how research approaches the question about the true power of the “distinguisher” we are dealing with and how its limitations can be harnessed.
Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
I became reacquainted with long hikes while I was in the US. Long drives to restaurants is also a good option...
When I grow up:
When I was younger, I wanted to be a physicist. Perhaps it’s for the best that the army decided otherwise, since when I grow up, I want to continue working on computer science theory.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? Twitter, if I must choose
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? I vote for a different animated series
» Yoga or CrossFit? I haven’t tried either, but I try to run
» Hapoel or Maccabi? What’s the difference?
» Chess or backgammon? Chess, but I don’t really play
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? Car
» Fortis or Sakharov? Sakharov, but both together is even better
» Classical Europe or India? Classical Europe
» Ocean or pool? The ocean
» Radio or podcast? I prefer to choose my own music
» Night or morning? Night, unequivocally
» Winter or summer? Winter (and I’ll stick by this even in the dead of winter)
» Cat or dog? Dog!
» Film or Play? Film, but willing to consider plays as well