Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

My life before BGU:
I grew up in Haifa, deeply loving the forest, the ocean and mountain (and I expect to now add the desert…). After high school I spent several years at Har Etzion Yeshiva, and then I enlisted in the IDF Intelligence Corps (Captain Res.). After finishing my army service, I moved to Jerusalem, where I studied computer science and computational biology at the Hebrew University, in the “Amirim" Program. I then went on to study medical neurobiology for my master's and PhD, under the supervision of Prof. Amir Amedi.
While I was working in Prof. Amedi's lab as a graduate student, I developed a technology to help blind and visually impaired users, and during my doctoral research I used the devices I developed to study non-visual spatial perception and its neurological basis.
I completed my postdoc at Columbia University in NY, in the lab of Josh Jacobs, where I studied spatial memory of real and virtual worlds among healthy people and epilepsy patients, and focused on the neurological foundations of directional representations.
"The differences in people’s confidence and self-assessment of their spatial abilities (orientation, memory, etc.) are far greater than the differences in their actual abilities"
My Research:
As people we live in space. I have been interested since childhood in how we know where we are, how we remember where we left our things, and how we find our way back to them. My research focuses on trying to understand how people execute these tasks, and how spatial data is represented in our brains. Based on the answers to these questions, at my new lab, we will try to create tools that will help people who are challenged in terms of spatial orientation or spatial memory.
My research also involves broader spatial issues: How we perceive real space as opposed to virtual and augmented space; how the brain's representations in the real world differ from those in a laboratory environment; how we use our spatial thinking to represent additional spaces, such as time or social spaces.
Why BGU?
My research is inherently multidisciplinary: I investigate questions and draw on tools from engineering and computer sciences, from biology and psychology, brain and cognitive studies, geography, rehabilitation and more. At the Department of Biomedical Engineering and other departments at BGU, at Soroka University Medical Center across the road, and at Aleh Negev Rehabilitation Village, I have found an array of researchers and labs doing relevant and fascinating research in each of these areas. I am really looking forward to beginning collaborations and joint work with them.
An insight from my research:
The differences in people's confidence and self-assessment of their spatial abilities (orientation, memory, etc.) are far greater than the differences in their actual abilities.
Something that doesn’t appear on my CV:
I have three small children, so who has time for anything else? 😊
But, beyond my role as a father and partner, I am a man of nature who needs open spaces, a man of information who is addicted to knowledge and to understanding what is going on in the wider world today and in the past, and a man of fictional spaces who loves to write and create them.
When I grow up:
As a child I thought I would become an archaeologist and spent my summers as a volunteer on digs all over the country. Today I would say that I hope to be a good man, to be a good father. And that I hope to succeed in being a person who makes those around him and the world around him better.
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
Develop aides for people with disabilities in the business sector, be involved in writing and creative pursuits, or be in education.
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? Facebook for my social circle, Twitter for the professional circle
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Only shows appropriate for ages six and under
» Yoga or CrossFit? Hopefully both one day
» Hapoel or Maccabi? Whichever provides more game data to analyze
» Chess or backgammon? Catan and Dominion
» Steak or tofu? Steak, until the day the artificial alternative is good enough
» Trekking or the spa? Trekking
» Car or train? Train
» Xbox or PlayStation? Oculus or Vive helmets
» Fortis or Sakharov? Lin-Manuel Miranda
» Classical Europe or India? Why not both? (and in both cases, historical sites over the present)
» Ocean or pool? The Ocean. For me, the pool is associated with fitness
» Radio or podcast? Podcast
» Night or Morning? Early morning
» Winter or summer? The depths of winter
» Cat or dog? Dog
» Film or Play? Musical soundtrack while cleaning