Graduate Program for Science and Technology Education
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Israel and grew up in Nazareth. I completed my bachelor's degree with distinction at the University of Haifa, where I studied in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, focusing on pure mathematics. My master's and doctoral degrees were also at the University of Haifa, also with distinction, in the Faculty of Education, focusing on mathematics education.
In my doctoral studies, I researched the process of learning concepts in higher mathematics with the help of advanced technology. I viewed my doctoral research as part of my educational mission, which is based on the principle of dramatizing knowledge. In other words, making knowledge accessible to all citizens who would like to have it. This principle is accompanied by another, no less important principle, "learning to live together". These two principles have guided my research ever since.
My first post-doc was in the School for Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I was involved in developing advanced technological tools, in partnership with BGU's Department of Computer Systems Engineering, intended to help teachers manage the math education of students studying in small groups. In my second post-doc, at the University of Turin in Italy, I developed models to promote research-based study in math classes, using dynamic and interactive technological tools. Through this research, I determined principles for designing study assignments which encourage research study, I proposed a model for teacher training, rules for organizing classroom space and ways of teacher intervention in class in order to encourage research study.
"The complexity of math learning and teaching is not necessarily an issue of intellectual abilities, as is usually thought. On the contrary, instincts play a significant role in the study and understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts. In order to help students understand abstract concepts, we should relate to the body and to consciousness as two sides of the same coin"
My research:
I research processes of mathematical learning and teaching in a high-tech environment. My field of research focuses, amongst other things, on the integration of new technologies, such as augmented reality, in promoting math understanding. Today, my research continues in the same spirit as my post-doc, and focuses on examining the situations where advanced technologies, like augmented reality, could advance research-study amongst all students participating in collective learning.
Another direction of research is examining the possibilities that technology opens up for the development, writing and editing of digital textbooks, which can serve as a platform for collaborations between a number of schools in different districts. I am especially interested in characterizing the different modes of thought that emerge among students as a result of using digital textbooks, and in training teachers to make connections and well-considered use of digital books in order to develop wide ranging thinking styles.
Why BGU?
The atmosphere in the south in general, and at BGU especially, is supportive, embracing and encouraging. These are the main reasons I came to BGU. Apart from this, my colleagues in the Department are leaders in the field. To work alongside them in the same space should help my personal development and the advancement of my research.

An insight from my research:
The complexity of math learning and teaching is not necessarily an issue of intellectual abilities, as is usually thought. On the contrary, instincts play a significant role in the study and understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts. In order to help students understand abstract concepts, we should relate to the body and to consciousness as two sides of the same coin.
Something that doesn't appear on my resume:
I love to spend time in nature, to listen to classical music, to read and to get to know other cultures.
A source of inspiration:
The movie "Stand and Deliver". A central figure in my life is my partner.
When I grow up?:
As a child, I thought I would be a mathematician, today I would say a philosopher.
If I wasn't a researcher, I would be involved with:
In brief: Maccabi or HaPoel? HaPoel, inspired by Karl Max. iPhone or Android? iPhone, don't compromise on quality. Summer or winter? Winter, it's more romantic. Book or movie? Book. I'm in control. Pizza or hamburger? Both are bad for you. Coffee or tea? How can one live without coffee? Beer or wine? Wine. Magical Tuscany. Game of Thrones of Breaking Bad? How can you prefer fantasy over reality, or reality over fantasy? An isolated cabin in nature or a pampering hotel in the city? An isolated cabin. Nature and God are one.
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