Department of Bible Studies, Archeology and the Ancient Near East
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

My life before BGU:
I was born in Tel Aviv and graduated from high school in Rishon LeZion. All my academic studies, from BA to PhD, were at the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where I specialized in prehistoric archaeology. I came to BGU for a postdoc and fell in love on the spot.
"Man is man is man. This was as true 10,000 year ago as it is today, both in settled lands and in the desert."
My research:
I am a ‘prehistorian,’ that is, I study history that predates history: human history from the moment humanity developed its first tools two million years ago, up until the emergence of village life, similar to how it is today, about 7,000 years ago. I specialize in the Neolithic, an important period, during which permanent settlements, agriculture, and pastoralism first developed. I also specialize in the use of advanced digital methods, especially geographical information systems (GIS), and their application to archaeology.
Why BGU?
I came to BGU as a Kreitman Postdoctoral Fellow and immediately fell in love with the unique, homely environment at the thriving Department, and especially with its people.

An insight from my research:
Man is man is man. This was as true 10,000 year ago as it is today, both in settled lands and in the desert.
Something that doesn't appear on my CV:
I am the mother of three wonderful children (a girl and two boys), and there is nothing I enjoy more than taking them out to the field with me.
A source of inspiration:
My grandmother Lola (z”l), a strong woman who taught me the meaning of independence.
When I grow up:
I’ve wanted to be an archaeologist ever since I was little. I have no idea why, but even my parents believe me at this point.
If I wasn’t a researcher, I would...
Be a veterinarian
In Brief:
» Facebook or Twitter? Both
» Game of Thrones or the Simpsons? Both
» Yoga or CrossFit? Both!!
» Hapoel or Maccabi? Hapoel forever
» Chess or backgammon? Backgammon
» Steak or tofu? Steak
» Trekking or the spa? Both!
» Car or train? Car
» Xbox or PlayStation? Neither
» Fortis or Sakharov? The two together
» Classical Europe or India? It depends on my mood
» Ocean or pool? Ocean, ocean, ocean, ocean
» Radio or podcast? FM88
» Night or Morning? Night
» Winter or summer? Summmmer
» Cat or dog? Dog
» Film or Play? Play