Elul M., Rubin-Blum M., Ronen Z., Bar-Or., Eckert. and Sivan O. (2021). Metagenomic insights into the metabolism of microbial communities that mediate iron and methane cycling in Lake Kinneret iron-rich methanic sediments. Biogeosciences (in press).
Stein, S., Sivan, O., Yechieli, Y., Kasher, R. (2020). Redox condition of saline groundwater from coastal aquifers influences reverse osmosis desalination process. Water Res. 188, 116508.
Amiel N., Shaar R., and Sivan O. (2020). The effect of iron reduction in methanogenic marine sediments deduced from porewater profiles on magnetic parameters. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8, 223.
Shang H., Daye M., Sivan O., Borlina C., Tamura N., Weiss B., Bosak, T. (2020) Formation of zero-valent iron in iron-reducing cultures of Methanosarcina barkeri. Environmental Science and Technology 54: 7354−7365.
Stein S., Fernando S., Yechieli Y., Shalev E., Sivan O., Kasher R. and and Vallejos A. (2020). The effects of long-term saline groundwater pumping for desalination on the fresh-saline water interface: field observations and numerical modeling. Science of the Total Environment 732, 139249.
Levy E. J., Sivan O., Antler G., Stein M., Lazar B., Yechieli Y. and Gavrieli I. (2020) Reply to Charrach comment on Mount Sedom salt diapir as a source for solute replenishment and driving force for dilution of the deep last glacial Dead Sea (Lake Lisan). Quaternary Science Reviews 221, 105871.
Levy E. J., Sivan O., Antler G., Stein M., Lazar B., Yechieli Y. and Gavrieli I. (2019) Mount Sedom salt diapir as a source for solute replenishment and driving force for dilution of the deep last glacial Dead Sea (Lake Lisan). Quaternary Science Reviews 221, 105871.
Vigderovich H., Liang L., Herut B., Wang F., Wurgaft E., Rubin-Blum M. and Sivan O. (2019) Evidence for microbial iron reduction in the methanic sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean continental shelf. Biogeosciences 16, 3165–3181,.
Stein S., Yechieli Y., Shalev E., Kasher R. and Sivan O. (2019) The effect of pumping saline groundwater for desalination on the fresh-saline water interface dynamics. Water Research 156, 46–57.
Wurgaft E., Findlay A.J., Vigderovich H., Herut B. and Sivan O. (2019) Sulfate reduction rates in the sediments of the Mediterranean continental shelf inferred from combined dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity profiles. Marine Chemistry 211: 64-74.
Liang L., Wang Y., Sivan O., and Wang F. (2019). Metal-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation in marine sediment: Insights from marine settings and other systems. Science China Life Sciences (in press).
Levy E.J., Yechieli Y., Gavrieli I., Lazar B., Kiro Y., Stein M., and Sivan O. (2018) Salt precipitation and dissolution in the late Quaternary Dead Sea: Evidence as deduced from the chemical and δ37Cl composition of pore fluids and halites, EPSL 487: 127-137.
Bar-Or I., Elvert M., Eckert W., Kushmaro A, Vigderovich H., Zhu Q., Ben-Dov E., Sivan O. (2017) Iron-coupled anaerobic oxidation of methane performed by a mixed bacterial-archaeal community based on poorly-reactive minerals. Environmental Science & Technology 51: 12293-12301.
Sela-Adler M., Ronen Z., Herut B., Antler G., Vigderovich H., Eckert W., Sivan O. (2017) Co-existence of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction with common substrates in sulfate-rich estuarine sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (766): 1-11.
Levy E.J., Stein M., Lazar B., Gavrieli I., Yechieli Y., Sivan O. (2017) Pore fluids in Dead Sea sediment core reveal linear response of lake chemistry to global climate changes. Geology 45 (4): 315–318.
Antler G., Turchyn A.V., Ono S., Sivan O., Bosak T. (2017) Combined 34, 33S and 18O isotopic fractionations record different intercellular steps of microbial sulfate reduction. Geochemica et Cosmocimica Acta 203: 364-380.
Russak A., Sivan O., Yechieli Y. (2016) Trace elements (Li, B, Mn and Ba) as sensitive indicators for salinization and freshening events in coastal aquifers. Chemichal Geology 441:35-46.
Sivan O., Shusta S.S., Valentine D.L. (2016) Methanogens rapidly transition from methane production to iron reduction. Geobiology 14: 190-203.
Stein S., Russak A., Sivan O., Yechieli Y., Rahav E., Oren Y. and Kasher R. (2016) Saline groundwater from coastal aquifers as a source for desalination. Environmental Science and Technology 50(4): 1955-1963.
Antler G., Turchyn A.V., Herut B., Sivan O. (2015) A unique isotopic fingerprint of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Geology 43 (7): 619-622.
Bar-Or I., Ben-Dov E., Kushmaro A., Eckert W. and Sivan O. (2015) Methane related changes in prokaryotes along geochemical profiles in sediments of Lake Kinneret (Israel). Biogeosciences 12: 2847-2860.
Avrahamov N., Gelman F., Yechieli Y., Aizenshtat Z., Nissenbaum A. and Sivan O. (2015). Proposed sources of methane along the Dead Sea Transform. Chemical Geology 395: 165-175.
Sela-Adler M., Herut B., Bar-Or I., Antler G., Eliani-Russak E., Levy E, Makovsky Y., Sivan O. (2015) Geochemical evidence for biogenic methane production and consumption in the shallow sediments of the SE Mediterranean shelf (Israel). Continental Shelf Research 101: 117-124.
Russak A., Yechieli Y., Herut B., Lazar B. and Sivan O. (2015) The effect of salinization and freshening events in coastal aquifers on nutrients characteristics as deduced from column experiments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Journal of hydrology 529: 1282–1292.
Russak, A., Yechieli Y., Herut B., Lazar B. and Sivan O. (2015) The effect of salinization and freshening events in coastal aquifers on nutrient characteristics as deduced from field data. Journal of hydrology 529: 1293–1301.
Sela-Adler M., Said-Ahmad W., Sivan O., Eckert W., Kiene R. and Amrani A. (2015). Isotopic evidence for the origin of DMS and DMSP-like compounds in a warm-monomictic freshwater lake. Enviro. Chem. 13 (2): 340-351.
Sivan O., Antler G., Turchyn A.V., Marlow J.J. and Orphan V.J. (2014) Iron oxides stimulate sulfate driven anaerobic methane oxidation in seeps. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 111 (40): 4139-4147.
Avrahamov N., Antler G., Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I., Joye S., Saxton M., Turchyn A.V. and Sivan O. (2014) Anaerobic oxidation of methane by sulfate in hypersaline groundwater of the Dead Sea aquifer. Geobiology 12(6):511-528.
Antler G., Turchyn A.V., Herut B., Davis A., Rennie V., and Sivan O. (2014) Sulfur and oxygen isotope tracing of sulfate driven anaerobic methane oxidation in estuarine sediments. ECSS 142: 4-11.
Lazar B., Sivan O., Yechieli Y., Levi E., Antler G., Gavrieli I. and Stein M. (2014) Long term freshening of the Dead sea brine revealed by porewater Cl- and δ18O in ICDP Dead Sea deep-drill. EPSL 400: 94-101.
Rubin M., Antler G., Turchyn A.V. Tsadok R. Shemesh E., Goodman-Tchernov B., Austin J.J, Coleman D., Sivan, O. and Tchernov D. (2014) Hydrocarbon related microbial processes in the deep sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 87(3): 780-796.
Berman T., Parparov A., Hadas O., Yacobi Y.Z., Sivan O., Ostrovsky I., Pinkas R. and Eckert W. (2014) The fate of organic carbon. In T. Zohary et al. (eds.), Lake Kinneret, Ecology and Management, Aquatic Ecology Series 6.
Bishop T., Turchyn A.V., and Sivan O. (2013) Fire and Brimstone: The microbially mediated formation of elemental sulfur nodules from an isotope and major element study in the paleo-Dead Sea. PLoS One 8(10): e75883.
Antler G., Turchyn A.V., Rennie V., Herut B. and Sivan O. (2013) Coupled sulfur and oxygen isotope insight into bacterial sulfate reduction in the natural environment. Geochemica et Cosmocimica Acta 18: 87-117.
Avrahamov N., Sivan O., Yechieli Y. and Lazar B. (2013) Carbon isotope exchange during calcite interaction with brine – Implications for radiocarbon dating of hypersaline groundwater. Radiocarbon 55 (1): 81-101.
Eliani-Russak E., Herut B. and Sivan O. (2013) The role of highly stratified nutrient-rich small estuaries as a source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to coastal seawater, the Qishon (SE Mediterranean) case. Marine Pollution Bulletin 71: 250-258.
Yechieli Y. and Sivan O. (2011) The distribution of saline groundwater and its relation to the hydraulic conditions of aquifers and aquitards: examples from Israel. Hydrogeology Journal 19: 71-81.
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McCue, M.D., Sivan O., McWilliams S.R. and Pinshow B. (2010) Breath testing reveal the oxidative kinetics of 13C-labeled dietary carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids in house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(5): 782-9.
Avrahamov N., Yechieli Y., Lazar B., Lewenberg O., Boaretto E. and Sivan O. (2010) Characterization and dating of saline groundwater in the Dead Sea area. Radiocarbon 52 (3): 1123-1140.
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Yechieli Y., Kafri U. and Sivan O. (2009) The inter-relationship between coastal sub-aquifers and the Mediterranean Sea, deduced from radioactive isotopes analysis. Hydrogeology Journal 17(2): 265-274.
Sivan O., Schrag D. P. and Murray R. W. (2007) Rates of methanogenesis and methanotrophy in deep-sea sediments. Geobiology 5: 141-151.
Turchyn A.V., Sivan O. and Schrag D. P. (2006) Oxygen isotopic composition of sulfate in deep sea pore fluid: evidence for rapid sulfur cycling. Geobiology 4: 191–201.
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