1. Haviv, I., Y. Enzel, K. X. Whipple, E. Zilberman, J. Stone, A. Matmon, and K. Fifield, 2010, Evolution of vertical knickpoints with resistant caprock: insights from numerical modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 115.
2. Matmon, A., O. Simhai, R. Amit, I. Haviv, N. Porat, E. McDonald, L. Benedetti, and R. Finkel, 2009, Desert pavement-coated surfaces present the longest-lived landforms on Earth, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121, 688-697,
3. Ben Moshe, L., I. Haviv, Y. Enzel, E. Zilberman, and A. Matmon, 2008, Incision of alluvial channels in response to a continuous base level fall: Field characterization, modeling and validation based on the 20th century Dead Sea lake level drop, Geomorphology, 93, 524-536.
4. Haviv, I., Y. Enzel, K. X. Whipple, E. Zilberman, J. Stone, A. Matmon, and L. K. Fifield, 2006, Amplified erosion above waterfalls and oversteepened bedrock reaches, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 111.
5. Greenbaum, N., A. Ben-Zvi, I. Haviv, and Y. Enzel, 2006, The hydrology and paleohydrology of Dead Sea tributaries. In: Y. Enzel, A. Agnon, and M. Stein, eds., New Frontiers in Dead Sea Paleoenvironmental Research, Geological Society of America Special Paper, 401, 63-93