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Prof. Julie  Cwikeljcwikel@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 17,room 114Social Work & Center for Women's Health Studies and PromotionPersonal website
cognitive behavioral interventions, women's health, neurobiofeedback, cognitive decline due to cancer, chemobrain, stress and coping


Prof. Ilan Dinsteindinshi@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 98, room 216PsychologyPersonal website
Autism, EEG, MRI, fMRI, Sleep, Sensory Systems, Motor Systems, Psychophysics, ASD, Child development, Speech, Motor control, Eye tracking, Vision, Audition, Somatosensory, Tactile, Facial expressions
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Dr. Or Duekord@bgu.ac.ilM7, room 509Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health SciencesPersonal website
PTSD, Mechanism of change in PTSD, Neuroscience of Learning, Aversive learning mechanism, Brain circuitry of aversive memory


Prof. Hava Golanhavag@bgu.ac.ilBuilding M6PhysiologyPersonal website
Neurodevelopment, Autism, Folate, Animal models, GABA, corticogenesis​
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Prof. Avishai Henikhenik@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 95, room 003PsychologyPersonal website
Numerical cognition, attention, executive functions, Stroop, emotion, pupillometry, synesthesia, cognitive neuroscience


Dr. Tamar Kolodnykolodny@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 98, room 107PsychologyPersonal website

​neurodevelopmental disorders, autism, ADHD, perception, attention, brain imaging, fMRI, diffusion MRI, spectroscopy (MRS)​

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Dr. Shachar Maidenbaummshachar@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 63, room 201Biomedical engineeringPersonal website
spatial cognition, navigation, computational neuroscience, virtual reality, augmented reality, naturalistic science, spatial memory, multisensory interaction, sensory substitution,

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Dr. Talya Sadetsadeh@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 93, room 22The Department of Cognitive and Brain SciencesPersonal website
Episodic Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience
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Prof. Ronen Segevronensgv@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 40, room 311Life SciencesPersonal website
Fish neurobiology, vision, spatial cognition, goldfish, archerfish, electrophysiology​

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Dr. lior shmuelofshmuelof@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 93, room 20cognitive and brain sciencesPersonal website
motor control, motor learning, rehabilitation, cognitive neuroscience, imaging


Prof. Florina Uzefovskyflorina@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 96, room 414PsychologyPersonal website

empathy, genetics, hormones, social development, autism​​​

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Dr. Maor Wolfsmithmaorwolf@gmail.comBuilding 72, room 67EducationPersonal website
Language, Schizophrenia, Moral values


Dr. Tal  Yatzivtalyat@bgu.ac.ilBuilding 96,  416PsychologyPersonal website

​Neurocognitive basis of caregiving, parenting, EEG/ERP, transition to parenthood, infant development, mentalizing, executive functions, working memory, event cognition​