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Consolidation Processes in Learning Language Skills​Prof. Tali Bitan6/24/2024
Behavioral state-dependent modulation of sensory processing and plasticity in the cortexProf. Ivo Spiegel6/17/2024
Nanoscale in situ sequencing reveals RNA localization and cell-cell interactionsDr. Shahar Alon6/10/2024
Neuronal ensembles and transcriptional fingerprint of alcohol memories - understanding the molecular mechanisms of alcohol addictionProf. Segev Barak6/3/2024
Learning from dopamine's complexity: investigating dopamine circuits in the brain to understand how we learn complex tasks​Dr. Ben Engelhard​5/27/2024
Blood flow perturbations and its impact on brain structure and function: from microstrokes to heartbeats​Prof. Pablo Blinder​​​5/20/2024
Prof. Shira Knafo​​Prof. Shira Knafo​3/11/2024
Dr. Naomi Habib​​Dr. Naomi Habib3/4/2024
Building long-term memories: the impact of reinforcement learning, social cognition, and musical tension​​Dr. Avi Mendelsohn2/26/2024
Mechanisms of cortical communication during action-selection​​​Dr. Arseny Finkelstein2/19/2024
Stepping, flying or swimming - evolution of patterned locomotion in tetrapods​Prof. Avihu Klar2/12/2024
Maladaptive fronto-parietal connectivity as a mechanism of response inhibition in ADHD​​Dr. Tamar Kolodny1/29/2024
Engineering personalized tissue implants: From 3D printing to bionic organs​Prof. Tal Dvir​1/22/2024
Understanding the Baby’s Mind: Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Caregiving​Dr. Tal Yatziv1/15/2024
Learning attention: a novel update mechanism for attention in a multidimensional world​Dr. Genela Morris1/8/2024