| Prof. Galila Agam | galila@bgu.ac.il | Soroka Internal Medicine, Level 6 | Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology | Personal website | | | Prof. Yael Amitai | yaela@bgu.ac.il | M6 - 323 | Physiology and cell biology | Personal website | |  | Prof. Galia Avidan | galiaa@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 215 | Psychology | Personal website | Brain connectivity, perception, interoception, fMRI, functional connectivity, gastric-brain interactions, face processing
| Dr. Abed Azab | azab@bgu.ac.il | Soroka University Medical Center, Pnemiyot Building, Room # 648 | Nursing & Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology | Personal website | Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Inflammation, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Psychiatric Disorders, Stroke, Randomized Clinical Trials, Animal Models
| | Prof. Rony Azouz | razouz@bgu.ac.il | M6. 447 | Physiology and cell biology | Personal website | Somatosensory, whisker, tactile, perception, cortex
| | Dr. Ori Beck | becko@bgu.ac.il | Building 74, room 330 | Philosophy | Personal website | Philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, consciousness, phenomenology, epistemology | | Dr. Dorit Ben shalom | doritb@bgu.ac.il | Building 74, room 507 | foreign literatures and linguistics | Personal website | Functional neuroanatomy, language, autism, ADHD
| Prof. Ohad Ben-Shahar | ben-shahar@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 114 | Computer Science | Personal website | Theoretical computational vision; Applied computer vision and (often biologically inspired) robot vision; human visual perception and visual psychophysics; Visual computational neuroscience; Animal vision (with particular interest in marine species) |
| Prof. Hadar Ben-Yoav | benyoav@bgu.ac.il | Building 64, room 204 | Biomedical Engineering | Personal website | | | Prof. Anat Ben-Zvi | anatbz@bgu.ac.il | Building 39 | Life Sciences | Personal website | GPCR, cell non-autonomous regulation, GNRH, C. elegans, stress | 
| Prof. Yoella Bereby-Meyer | Yoella@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 321 | Psychology | Personal website | Decision Making, Risk,
Judgement under uncertainty
| | Prof. Daniel Berend | berend@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37,room 213 | 1. Mathematics. 2. Computer Science. | Personal website | Applied Probability, Combinatorial Optimization | .jpg) | Prof. Andrea Berger | andrea@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 313 | Psychology | Personal website | EEG/ERP, Cognitive Development, Attention, Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, Error-Detection, ADHD, FASD |
| Prof. Sigal Berman | sigalbe@bgu.ac.il | Building 16, room 247 | Industrial Engineering and Management | Personal website | |
| Dr. Yuval Bitan | ybitan@bgu.ac.il | Building 15, room 313 | Health Policy and Management | Personal website | Cognitive systems engineering, decision making
|  | Prof. Claude Brodski | claude@bgu.ac.il | Building M6/7,room 343 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | |
| Prof. Hagit Cohen | hagitc@bgu.ac.il | Mental Health Center, Building 7, room 7 | Psychiatry | | | 
| Prof. Ariel Cohen | arikc@bgumail.bgu.ac.il | building 74, 524 | Foreign Literatures and Linguisitics | Personal website | Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Logic, Human probabilistic reasoning | | Prof. Julie Cwikel | jcwikel@bgu.ac.il | Building 17,room 114 | Social Work & Center for Women's Health Studies and Promotion | Personal website | cognitive behavioral interventions, women's health, neurobiofeedback, cognitive decline due to cancer, chemobrain, stress and coping |
| Prof. Ilan Dinstein | dinshi@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 216 | Psychology | Personal website | Autism, EEG, MRI, fMRI, Sleep, Sensory Systems, Motor Systems, Psychophysics, ASD, Child development, Speech, Motor control, Eye tracking, Vision, Audition, Somatosensory, Tactile, Facial expressions |
| Prof. Shlomi Dolev | dolev@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 506 | Computer Science | Personal website | | | Prof. Opher Donchin | donchin@bgu.ac.il | Building 63, room 124 | Biomedical Engineering | Personal website | Motor learning, motor systems, cerebellum, motor adaptation, arm movements, motor cortex, ataxia
| | Dr. Or Duek | ord@bgu.ac.il | M7, room 509 | Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health Sciences | Personal website | PTSD, Mechanism of change in PTSD, Neuroscience of Learning, Aversive learning mechanism, Brain circuitry of aversive memory |
| Prof. Jihad El-Sana | el-sana@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 111 | Computer Science | Personal website | | | Prof. Dana Fisman | dana@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 113 | Computer Science | Personal website | | | Prof. Ilya Fleidervish | ilya@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 423 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Neocortex, sodium channel, action potential, axon, myelin, mitochondrial Ca signaling | | Prof. Sigal Fleisher-Berkovich | fleisher@bgu.ac.il | Building M6 | Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology | Personal website | | | Dr. Oren Freifeld | orenfr@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 204 | Computer Science | Personal website | Computer Vision, Machine Learning |
| Dr. Nir Fresco | nfresco@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 14 | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Personal website | Automaticity; Skill acquisition; Habit formation; Cognitively controlled processes; Inhibition of automatic responses; Philosophy of computation; Philosophy of information; Philosophy of cognition; Computational explanation in cognitive neuroscience
| Prof. Alon Friedman | alonf@bgu.ac.il | Soroka University Medical Center, Floor 6, Room 626 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Blood-brain barrier-, Epilepsy, Neuroimaging-, Neurophysiology, Neurological disorders |
| Prof. Kobi Gal | kobig@bgu.ac.il | Building 96, room 223 | Software and Information Systems Engineering | Personal website | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Decision Making, Learning Analytics, Big Data and Education, Ethical Reasoning in AI |
| Dr. Daniel Gitler | gitler@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 443 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Synaptic transmission, synapse, molecular neuroscience, neurodegenerative disease, Parkinson's Disease, Synapsin, alpha-synuclein, viral transduction, fluorescence microscopy, genetically-encoded sensors, calcium imaging, |  | Dr. Tal Golan | golan.neuro@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 4 | Cognitive and Brain Sciences | Personal website | Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Deep Learning, Visual Perception, Psychophysics, Neuroimaging |
| Prof. Hava Golan | havag@bgu.ac.il | Building M6 | Physiology | Personal website | Neurodevelopment, Autism, Folate, Animal models, GABA, corticogenesis |
| Prof. David Golomb | golomb@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 427 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Theoretical and computational neuroscience, dynamics, neurophysics, numerical simulations, brainstem, spinal cord, thalamus, cortex, system neuroscience. |
| Dr. Shirley Handelzalts | handelza@.bgu.ac.il | M7, room 105 | Physical Therapy | Personal website | | | Prof. Avishai Henik | henik@bgu.ac.il | Building 95, room 003 | Psychology | Personal website | Numerical cognition, attention, executive functions, Stroop, emotion, pupillometry, synesthesia, cognitive neuroscience | | Prof. Michal Hershfinkel | hmichal@bgu.ac.il | Building M6 , room 339 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | synaptic signaling, molecular neuroscience, neuronal toxicity | | Prof. Adrian Israelson | adriani@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 425 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Neurodegenerative diseases, ALS, Misfolded proteins, Misfolded SOD1, Gene therapy |
| Prof. Yoav Kessler | kesslery@bgu.ac.il | Building 96, room 405 | Psychology | Personal website | ERP, EEG, fMRI, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, memory, working memory, cognitive control |
| Dr. Shira Knafo | shirak@post.bgu.ac.il | Building 41, room 215 | Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Molecular and Cognitive Neuroscience | 
| Dr. Tamar Kolodny | kolodny@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 107 | Psychology | Personal website | neurodevelopmental disorders, autism, ADHD, perception, attention, brain imaging, fMRI, diffusion MRI, spectroscopy (MRS)
| Prof. Shelly Levy-Tzedek | shelly@bgu.ac.il | בניין דייכמן למקצועות הבריאות, חדר 322 | Physical Therapy | Personal website | | | Prof. Frederic Libersat | libersat@bgu.ac.il | Building 40, room 315 | Life Sciences | Personal website | Neuroethology, Neurotoxins, animal behavior, neuroparasitology |
| Dr. Shachar Maidenbaum | mshachar@bgu.ac.il | Building 63, room 201 | Biomedical engineering | Personal website | spatial cognition, navigation, computational neuroscience, virtual reality, augmented reality, naturalistic science, spatial memory, multisensory interaction, sensory substitution, | | Prof. Nachshon Meiran | nmeiran@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room107 | Psychology | Personal website | |
| Prof. Idan Menashe | idanmen@bgu.ac.il | Building M7, room 511 | Public Health | Personal website | Autism, Genetics, Eepidemiology, Biostatistics | | Prof. Yifat Miller | ymiller@bgu.ac.il | Building 42, room 121 | Chemistry | Personal website | Neurodegenerative diseases, Amyloid beta, Tau protein, Alpha-synuclein, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Computational Biophysics | | Prof. Alon Monsonego | alonmon@bgu.ac.il | Building 39, room 108 | The Shraga Segal dept of Microbiology, Immunology and Geneticsology | Personal website | Neuro-Immunology; neurodegeneration, autoimmunity |
| Prof. Ilana Nisky | nisky@bgu.ac.il | Building 64, room 105 | Biomedical Engineering | Personal website | Computational motor control, sensorimotor control, motor learning, multisensory integration, perception and action, human-robot physical interaction, human and machine learning, haptics, neurorehabilitation |
| Prof. Ehud Ohana | Ohanaeh@bgu.ac.il | Soroka medical center Building 12, room 463 | Clinical biochemistry and pharmacology | Personal website | Biochemistry, transporters, electrophysiology |
| Dr. Ari Pakman | aripakman@gmail.com | Building 17, room 244 | Industrial Engineering and Management | | | | Dr. Yuval Pinter | uvp@cs.bgu.ac.il | Building 37, room 203 | Computer Science | Personal website | natural language processing, NLP, machine learning, Deep learning, Computational Linguistics | | Dr. Niv Reggev | reggevn@bgu.ac.il | Building 98, room 318 | Psychology | Personal website | stereotypes, social cognitive neuroscience, reward, face perception | | Dr. Jennifer Resnik | resnikj@bgu.ac.il | Building 39, room 214 | Life Sciences | Personal website | Sensory processing, perception, auditory system, hearing | | Prof. Tammy Riklin Raviv | rrtammy@ee.bgu.ac.il | Building 33, room 212 | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Personal website | Computational Neuroscience, Deep Learning, Brain MRI |
| Dr. Talya Sade | tsadeh@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 22 | The Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences | Personal website | Episodic Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience | | Prof. Ronen Segev | ronensgv@bgu.ac.il | Building 40, room 311 | Life Sciences | Personal website | Fish neurobiology, vision, spatial cognition, goldfish, archerfish, electrophysiology
| | Prof. Israel Sekler | sekler@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 441 | Physiology and Cell Biol | Personal website | |
| Prof. Yuval Shahar | yshahar@bgu.ac.il | Building 96, room 226 | Software and Information Systems Engineering | Personal website | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Economics, Temporal Reasoning, Temporal Data Mining, Decision Analysis, EEG analysis |
| Prof. Maoz Shamir | shmaoz@bgu.ac.il | Building M6, room 429 | Physiology and cell biology | Personal website | Computational neuroscience: the neural code, plasticity and learning in the CNS | | Prof. Nadav Shashar | nadavsh@bgu.ac.il | Eilat Campus | Life Science | Personal website | |
| Dr. lior shmuelof | shmuelof@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 20 | cognitive and brain sciences | Personal website | motor control, motor learning, rehabilitation, cognitive neuroscience, imaging | | Dr. Oren Shriki | shrikio@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 23 | Cognitive and Brain Sciences | Personal website | | | Prof. Carmel Sofer | carmelso@bgu.ac.il | Building 93, room 19 | Cognition and Brain Sciences | Personal website | | 
| Dr. Elior Sulem | eliorsu@bgu.ac.il | Building 72, room 67 | Software and Information Systems Engineering | Personal website | Computational
Linguistics, Child Language Acquisition, Computational Pyscholinguistics,
Computational Semantics.
| | Prof. Deborah Toiber | toiber@bgu.ac.il | Building 40, room 205 | Life Science | Personal website | Aging, neurodegeneration
| Prof. Florina Uzefovsky | florina@bgu.ac.il | Building 96, room 414 | Psychology | Personal website | empathy, genetics, hormones, social development, autism
| Dr. Gad Vatine | vatineg@bgu.ac.il | Building 42, room 326 | The Department of Physiology and Cell Biology | Personal website | Stem cells, rare disease, neurodevelopmental, iPSC, electrophysiology, BBB, blood brain barrier, organ on chip
| Dr. Maor Wolfsmith | maorwolf@gmail.com | Building 72, room 67 | Education | Personal website | Language, Schizophrenia, Moral values | 
| Dr. Tal Yatziv | talyat@bgu.ac.il | Building 96, 416 | Psychology | Personal website | Neurocognitive basis of caregiving, parenting, EEG/ERP, transition to parenthood, infant development, mentalizing, executive functions, working memory, event cognition
| Prof. ofer yifrach | ofery@bgu.ac.il | Building 40, room 313 | life sciences | Personal website | Ion channels, action potential, voltage-dependent gating, cooperativity, synergy | | Prof. Abraham Zangen | azangen@bgu.ac.il | Building 40 office 109 lab 110, 111 | Life Sciences | Personal website | Brain Stimulation, Reward, Addiction, Depression, Attention, Neuroplasticity, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Deep TMS, Behavior, electrophysiology, EEG | | Prof. Noam Zilberberg | noamz@bgu.ac.il | Building 40, room 305 | Life Sciences | Personal website | Ion channels, potassium channels, leak channels, potassium channel modifiers, regulation