The National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN) Building garned an "Ot Haitzuv" (Design Award) 2018 for Chyutin Architects in the category of public buildings at a ceremony held at the Tel Aviv Museum recently.

Above: Michael Chyutin at the award ceremony (Credit: Dror Sithakol)
The jury noted: "This is an architectural work which combines, with restraint and tranquility, all the basic components of architectural planning. Beginning with the organization of the spaces, choice of materials, use of color, lighting and other details in the interior and exterior. Excellent architecture, by any standards ".
The NIBN building is situated at the southwestern corner of the Ben-Gurion University campus. It is comprised of four levels: three for laboratories and researchers' offices, standing above a transparent ground floor for general public functions including a foyer, faculty lounge, auditorium, cafeteria, and seminar room. These latter operations allow for increased interaction between researchers, thereby enhancing the exchange of knowledge and strengthening academic ties across disciplines. The ground floor combines transparent glass façades and exposed concrete walls. The glass façades dissolve the barrier between the surrounding urban environment and inner campus areas. The exposed concrete walls form a stylistic and material continuation with the neighboring campus buildings. Adjacent to the foyer is a sizeable garden, partly covered by the upper laboratory floors, which creates an inviting and comfortable space for outdoor activities and contributes to the overall sense of tranquility.
The NIBN as it stands today was the brainchild of the late Edgar D. de Picciotto, who provided the incentive, financial support and vision to found the Institute for Applied Biosciences, the predecessor and now a central component of the NIBN. Conducting multi-disciplinary research guided by clear biotechnological goals, it was created with a mission to plant the seeds that will lead to the growth of successful biotechnology industries in Israel, particularly in the Negev. The NIBN is organized along unique guidelines designed to encourage its members to cross the academic barriers that, by tradition, have separated scientific disciplines and instead engage in creative and ground-breaking biotechnological research.
The design award is given annually to leading designers and architects in Israel who have managed to leave their mark on architecture and design in Israel. The NIBN building is the third project by Chyutin Architects on BGU's Marcus Family Campus, preceded by the Samuel and Milada Ayrton University Center which houses the W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall, and Deichmann Plaza.

Above: The National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev