Welcome back Noa!​ June 8, 2024

Dear Friends,

I am absolutely thrilled to share with you the news that, less than 24 hours after my previous message, our own Noa Argamani has been rescued. While many of you may have already heard, it's a joy that bears repeating. After eight unimaginable months in captivity, Noa and three others were freed in a remarkably complex and daring operation. I have spoken with Noa's father, Yaacov, and their family is overwhelmed with happiness. Noa is currently reunited with her mother, who is in the same hospital for treatment.

Here in Israel and across the Ben-Gurion University community, we cannot hold back our tears of joy. Just three weeks ago I told during the BoG meetings that my meeting with Noa's parents was undoubtedly one of the most heart-wrenching encounters of the past months—I can scarcely grasp the relief and joy Yaacov must feel at having his only daughter back.

Tomorrow, we will experience our campus in a new light. I will remove Noa's chair from outside my office, a symbol of her absence that we no longer need. We will walk with a slightly lighter step, infused with renewed hope and relief.

Yet, our joy is tempered by the continued absence of Noa's boyfriend, our alumnus Avinatan Or, another alumnus, Sasha Tropanov, and all the other captives still awaiting their turn to come home. Our community remains incomplete until everyone is safely returned.

Today, let us take a moment to celebrate Noa's return and draw strength from this victory. Tomorrow, we continue our unwavering hope and actions toward the safe return of all our missing loved ones.


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