$$News and Reports$$

May. 11, 2014


Prof. Michael Segal from the Department of Communication Systems Engineering has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of one of the most influential journals in the area of computer and system sciences, the Journal of Computer and System Sciences.

Many prominent researchers serve on the Editorial board of the journal, including Turing award winners and those who have been awarded other prestigious prizes. The Turing Award is the Nobel Prize of computer science. Many influential scientific articles have been published in the journal; including four papers that have won the Gödel prize. The prize is awarded for theoretical computer science papers.

Segal is a past head of the Department and holds a visiting professorship at Cambridge University as well. He was a recipient of the Toronto Prize for Research in 2010.

His research focuses on Algorithm Design, Data communication and Data Structures. The problems he tackles are fundamental optimization problems that have applications in transportation, station placement, communication, facility location, graph theory, statistics, selection, geometric pattern matching, layout of VLSI circuits and enumeration.