In another move designed to facilitate movement and access between BGU, the Gav Yam Negev Advanced Technologies Park and Soroka University Medical Center, the ‘double helix’ bridge connecting the ATP to the railway station was officially opened this week.
The bridge was dedicated in the presence of Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, Beer-Sheva Mayor Ruvik Danilovich, BGU President Prof. Rivka Carmi and Israel Railways Dir.-Gen. Boaz Zafrir (pictured below). (Photo Credit: Diego Mittleburg)

The bridge was designed by architects Gidi and Tal Bar Orian and spans 180 meters connecting the ATP to the train station. The Mexico Bridge connects the train station to the University and the Jim and Liz Breslauer Bridge which was dedicated this past May connects the Faculty of Health Sciences campus to the main campus across Ben-Gurion Boulevard. The three bridges facilitate interdisciplinary research and development while linking Beer-Sheva to Tel Aviv – less than an hour away by train.
The IDF’s Technological Campus will be built just beyond the ATP and will also benefit from these easy access bridges.
The bridge is covered in the event of rain but open to the cool desert breeze as well.