Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has taken on itself the responsibility to care for a cleaner and better quality environment as part of the project "Green Campus".

"Green Campus" is an initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection whose aim is to implement the subject of environmental quality in higher education institutions.

The steering committee composed of representatives from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, from academic institutions, and from the Council for Higher Education, has drawn up criteria and guidelines in order to receive formal accreditation as a "Green Campus".

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is pleased to join this initiative and sees the subject of environmental quality as an educational objective and also as a means through education of giving respect to one's fellow man and nature.

The University believes that each body should be self-responsible and should diminish its negative impact on its surroundings to a minimum.


On this page, you can find information on the steps the University is taking to reach these objectives 


Green Campus

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